CFS Conference: Empathy, Group Membership and We-Intentionality

An Interdisciplinary Conference

Time: May 21-22, 2015
Venue: University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 128, Building 23, Aud. 23.0.50

How does empathy enable social or group identity? Does group membership affect interpersonal understanding, and how does it modulate empathy along in-group/out-group divides? Can groups be targets of empathy, or individuals only? Are collaborating individuals better empathizers?

Confirmed Speakers:
Stephen Butterfill (University of Warwick), Thomas Fuchs (University of Heidelberg), Shaun Gallagher (University of Memphis), Joel Krueger (University of Exeter), Heidi L. Maibom (University of Cincinnati), John Michael (Central European University/CFS), Elisabeth Pacherie (Institut Jean Nicod, Paris), Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi (Polish Academy of Sciences and University of Warsaw), Alessandro Salice (CFS), Jan Slaby (Free University Berlin), Thomas Szanto (CFS), Joona Taipale (University of Jyväskylä), Dan Zahavi (CFS)

The conference is free and open to all, but prior registration is required.
Please register by sending an email to Thomas Szanto:  

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