Psychiatric Nosology: Current Issues

University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities, Njalsgade 134, Auditorium 22.0.11
2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark

9-11 September 2015
The first 2 days from 9:00-17:00 and the third day from 9:00-13:00

Professor Josef Parnas, University of Copenhagen, DK
Professor Kenneth S. Kendler, Virginia Commonwealth University, US

The sponsor is the Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Denmark (MHS). The conference is organized jointly by the MHS, the Psychiatric Center Hvidovre and the Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen.

Conference Content    
This is the fourth conference in the series on theoretical and conceptual issues in psychiatry. This time, we are returning to the seminal issue of Psychiatric Nosology particularly in light of the revision processes recently completed for DSM-5 and still in progress for ICD-11, as well as the launch of the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) project by the NIMH.

Download programme here

Participation is free and open to all, but prior registration is necessary. The number of participants is limited and registration will be closed once the places available are covered. Registration is no longer possible.