Afskedssymposium for professor emeritus, overlæge, dr. med. Josef Parnas

Afskedssymposium for professor emeritus, overlæge, dr. med. Josef Parnas, medstifter af Center for Subjektivitetsforskning, Københavns Universitet.


14.00 Velkomst Kaffe/the
14.10 Professor Kenneth Kendler (Virginia Commonwealth University) Psychiatric Nosology - The Problem of Many Masters
14.35 Karl-Jaspers-Professor Thomas Fuchs (University of Heidelberg) Self-disorders and ego-disorders
15.00 Professor Dan Zahavi (Oxford University and University of Copenhagen) Philosophy, Phenomenology, Psychiatry
15.40 Professor emeritus Ralf Hemmingsen The Gestalt of Josef Parnas in Danish Psychiatry
15.55 Associate professor Julie Nordgaard Diagnosis: The neglected Achille's Heel of Psychiatry
16.10 Associate professor Mads Gram Henriksen On Concepts in Psychiatry
16.20 Medical doctor Marie Lundholm An Introduction to Psychiatry by Josef Parnas
16.30 Associate professor Lennart Jansson The Nature and lmpact of the so-called "Hvidovre school"
16.40 Senior consultant Peter Handest Witnessing the decline of the diagnostic interview. A dispirited personal account
17.00 Reception

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