Political Phenomenology

The workshop will present and discuss the recently published Routledge Handbook of Political Phenomenology 

The workshop is open to all and all are welcome. It will also be livestreamed, and people can join in via this link: 


10.00-10.30 Introduction: What is political phenomenology? (Steffen Herrmann, Gerhard Thonhauser, Sophie Loidolt, Tobias Matzner, Nils Baratella)

10.30-11.30 Comment 1: Sara Heinämaa: Methodological Resources of Classic Phenomenology: The Case of Gender? (PART I, II & PART V). Response: Gerhard Thonhauser, Sophie Loidolt

11.45-12.45 Comment 2: Hans Ruin: Alterity & Political Phenomenology (PART IV). Response: Steffen Herrmann

12.45-14.00 Lunch Break 

14.00-15.00 Comment 3: Thomas Brudholm: Race, Affect & Postcoloniality (PART II & VI). Response: Tobias Matzner, Gerhard Thonhauser

15.15-16.15 Comment 4: Ditte Munch-Jurisic: Phenomenology of the Social and Political World (PART III). Response: Nils Baratella, Sophie Loidolt

16.15-16.45 Panel discussion

Participation is free, no prior registration required.