The “Secular” We vs. The “Religious” We: On Nationalist Theopolitics
CFS lecture by Yaacov Yadgar, Stanley Lewis Professor of Israel Studies at the University of Oxford, UK.
The lecture is open to all and all are welcome
The paper discusses the varying ways in which national, allegedly secular, and traditional, allegedly religious social imaginaries cope with diversity within the collectives these imaginaries represent/construct. The paper shows that contrary to some prevalent (ideological) arguments that present modern, secular nationalism or nation-statism as more tolerant and inclusive than the traditional and religious imaginaries that preceded these modern forms of collectivity, the reverse is sometimes the case: Traditional forms of belonging to a collectivity can show themselves to be more inclusive, tolerant and welcoming to diversity in terms of imagining and constructing the group’s identity. Ultimately, the paper speaks for a rehabilitation of “tribalism” as an antidote to the abusive “melting pot” project of certain renditions of nation-statism. While the arguments are general in tone and scope, the paper will focus primarily on the case of Jewish tradition, and Zionism as a form of Jewish nationalism and nation-statism. It would show how this nationalism has tended to find Jewish diversity — a central feature of Jewish history — threatening, while Jewish “religious" tradition has been — traditionally — built around a sense of multiplicity and multivocality within the tradition. The two imaginaries — while speaking to the same collective — thus each render it in rather contrasting ways, allowing or denying variations within the national “we”.