Colloquium: "Selfhood and Self-Annihilation"

September 26, 2008, Copenhagen
Title: "Selfhood and Self-Annihilation"

Abstracts can be downloaded here

What is the self implied in self-annihilation? The workshop will focus on the question of selfhood implied in notions of self-annihilation, and will do so in drawing on different religious traditions, in particular Christian mysticism and Buddhism.


Friday, September 26

09:30-10:45 Joel Krueger (University of Copenhagen): "Forms of Self-Annihilation in Zen Buddhism"
10:45-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:15 Gavin Flood (University of Oxford): "The Paradox of the Will in Christian and Buddhist Asceticism"
12:15-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-14:45 Ben Morgan (University of Oxford): "Meister Eckhart and the Pre-History of Modern Forms of Identity"
14:45-15:15 Jonna Bornemark (Södertörn University College, Stockholm): "Mechthild von Magdeburg and the Erotic Tension between Specificity and Self-Annihilation"
15:15-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:45 Arne Grøn (University of Copenhagen): "Selfhood and Self-Annihilation". (And open discussion)


Organized by Arne Grøn

Location: University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 140-142, Lecture room: 27.0.09. See campus area here: Map

Prior registration required: Please register before September 10 by sending an email to