Five videos from CFS
Dan Zahavi
In this video, the director of the Center for Subjectivity Research (CFS), Dan Zahavi, talks about the structure and focus of CFS.
Research Presentations
Mads Gram Henriksen, John Michael, Alessandro Salice and Glenda Satne present their work at the CFS.
Alessandro Salice
In this video Alessandro Salice introduces some key aspects of CFS’s new research project on ‘The Disrupted We: Shared Intentionality and its Psychopathological Distortions.’ He talks about the we, collective intentionality and about their relation to social cognition.
Glenda Satne
In this video, Glenda Satne presents her research on norms, naturalism and intersubjectivity.
John Michael
John Michael describes his project on social expertise, in particular focusing on a recent study involving people with Möbius Syndrome, who benefited from a social skills intervention.
Mads Gram Henriksen
In this video Mads Gram Henriksen talks about psychosis, hallucinations and reality testing, and touches on his own research in trying to revise concepts in psychiatry through phenomenology and first person accounts.