Submit an abstract
The Summer School programme will include ten presentations selected from submitted student abstracts.
Authors of selected abstracts will have the opportunity to present their papers in a plenary talk and will, in addition, receive prepared feedback on their paper from the keynote speaker on the day of their presentation. Finally, presenters will have the chance to engage with comments from all of the Summer School’s participants in an open discussion following their presentation.
If you would like to engage your peers in discussion at a large international and interdisciplinary venue and have an idea for a talk related to this year's Summer School, please consider submitting an abstract.
Please note, that paid registration is required for the submission of abstracts. If you do not wish to participate at the school without giving a presentation you may then cancel your application before 28 July and have your registration fee refunded. You will be informed of whether your submitted abstract has been accepted or not on 28 May at the latest.
The deadline for submitting an abstract is 11 May 2025.
Abstracts must be 500-1000 words in length.
How to submit an abstract
- Send an email with your abstract included as an attachment (acceptable formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, and .pdf)
- Make sure that the subject line of the email reads: “Abstract Copenhagen Summer School 2025”
- Address the email to