Courses 2016

Spring 2016

Søren Overgaard, Mads Gram Henriksen, and Zeynep Üsüdür
Module 8/BA: Valgfag 3: Fænomenologi og eksistensfilosofi [Electives 3: Phenomenology and existential philosophy]
Mondays 13-16 and Thursdays 11-14

Søren Overgaard
Module 10/MA: Freely Chosen Topic in Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind: Perception, Illusion and Hallucination
Mondays 9-12

Autumn 2016

Søren Overgaard, Jan Faye (MEF) og Thor Grünbaum (MEF) Module 5/BA: Teoretisk filosofi 1: Bevidsthedsfilosofi og metafysik [Theoretical philosophy 1: Philosophy of Mind and Metaphysics] Time and place: See schedule

Olle Blomberg COG/PHILO - MA: Social Cognition Time and place: See schedule

Felipe León Module 9/MA: Central Topics in Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind Time and place: See schedule

EASE Courses

EASE introductory workshop 31 August- 2 September 2016 Location: Psychiatric hospital Nordsjælland, 3400 Hillerød Director: Julie Nordgaard