Zahavi's collected works out in Chinese translations
2022.08.02 -
Two Zahavi books out in Korean translations
2022.05.17 -
Former CFS researcher, Simon Høffding, receives prize for Concert of the Year
2022.02.04 -
Systematic review of self-disorders and psychopathology
2021.10.27 -
New PhD position at CFS
2021.09.30 -
New metrics from Springer
2021.07.23 -
Podcast about shame and what the feeling teaches us
2021.05.14 -
Public defence of Patricia Meindl's PhD thesis
2021.03.31 -
Affective Enclaves: Forging Communities Online and Offline
2021.02.17 -
Self and self-disorders in the schizophrenia spectrum
2021.02.17 -
Antagonistic Political Emotions: An Integrative Philosophical Analysis
2020.12.11 -
New PhD position available
2020.11.20 -
Søren Overgaard receives this year's Einar Hansen Research Prize
2020.11.03 -
Dan Zahavi has been appointed honorary professor
2020.10.27 -
The 3rd, extensively revised, edition of The Phenomenological Mind has just been published