Husserl’s Phenomenology
2017.01.04 -
Phenomenology as an interlocutor
2016.11.28 -
Simon Høffding in The New York Times
2016.10.24 -
Portrait of Josef Parnas
2016.09.15 -
Dan Zahavi’s co-edited book Self, no self is reviewed in Mind
2016.08.04 -
'Natural Disorder' wins price at Millennium DOCS
2016.06.08 -
"Natural Disorder" wins price at DOK.fest Munich
2016.05.17 -
New Grant to Kristian Martiny
2016.05.12 -
Human Afvikling at the Royal Danish Theatre
2016.05.02 -
CFS courses - Fall 2016
2016.04.18 -
Blog on The Open Commons of Phenomenology
2016.04.14 -
New Book: The Phenomenological Approach to Social Reality
2016.03.07 -
Helsinki lecture: Anonymity, intersubjectivity and the self-other differentiation
2016.02.02 -
"Natural Disorder" on Danish TV on 9 February
2016.01.20 -
Musical expertise on the radio