11.12.2003 15.15-17.00
Lecture by Rudolf Bernet, Department of Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Title: "The Subject of a Game (Gadamer)"
Location: CFS, lecture room 8, 2. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
08.12.2003 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Rudolf Bernet, Department of Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Title: "An Open Secret (Heidegger, Lacan, and Deleuze)"
Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
04.12.2003 - 05.12.2003
Title: "Normativity and Pathology"
Thursday, December 4th
Josef Parnas (University of Copenhagen): "The contemporary mainstream views on delusion and defective reality testing: A clinical and phenomenological appraisal"
Louis Sass (Rutgers University): "'Person with schizophrenia' or 'Schizophrenic person': On illness and the self"
Simo Knuutila (University of Helsinki): "Madness in ancient and medieval philosophy"
Sverre Raffnsøe (Copenhagen Business School): "Pathology, normativity, and subjectivity in Canguilhem and early Foucault"
Location: Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3, Copenhagen K
Friday, December 5th
Bill Fulford (University of Warwick): "Values in Psychiatric Diagnosis: Whose norms?"
Axel Honneth (University of Frankfurt): "How to talk about social pathologies"
Arne Grøn (University of Copenhagen): "Normativity and Negativity"
Location: CFS, Auditorium 7, Købmagergade 46, Copenhagen K
Organized by Arne Grøn and Josef Parnas
01.12.2003 - 13.12.2003
Visiting Professor:
Rudolf Bernet, Department of Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
21.11.2003. 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Hermann Deuser, Evangelische Theologie, Universität Frankfurt, Germany
Title: "Natur und Geist. Pragmatismus, evolutionäre Metaphysik und Religionsphilosophie"
Location: CFS, lecture room 12, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen L
17.11.2003. 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Galen Strawson, CFS & Department of Philosophy, University of Reading, UK
Title: "Why Materialism Entails Panpsychism"
Location: CFS, lecture room 44, Købmagergade 50, 1150 Copenhagen K
13.11.2003 - 15.11.2003
Conference/Ph.D. course
Title: "Subjectivity and Transcendence"
Thursday, November 13th
Merold Westphal (Fordham, New York): "Intentionality and Transcendence"
Jussi Backmann (Helsinki): "Foundational Transcendence: Heidegger's Vom Wesen des Grundes"
Claudia Welz (Tübingen/Zürich): "The Presence of the Transcendent – Transcending the Present"
Søren Overgaard (Copenhagen): "Three Views on the Transcendence of the Other: Husserl, Sartre, Lévinas"
Friday, November 14th
Niels Grønkjær (Århus): "Subjectivity and Transcendence in Vattimo"
Werner Jeanrond (Lund): "Love and Transcendence - Transcendence and Love"
Dan Zahavi (Copenhagen): "Subjectivity and Immanence in Michel Henry"
Caspar Wenzel Tornøe (Copenhagen): "God and the Demiurge – Subjectivity and Transcendence in Theological perspective"
Henrik Vase Frandsen (Copenhagen): "'Se recevoir de ce qui se donne.' Subjectivity and Transcendence in Jean-Luc Marion’s Phenomenology of Donation"
Saturday, November 15th
George Pattison (Århus/Oxford): "Desire, Decreation and Unknowing in the God-relationship. Mystical Theology and its Transformation in Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky and Simone Weil"
Iben Damgaard (Copenhagen): "Subjectivity and Transcendence in the Philosophy of Kierkegaard"
Mirela Oliva (Freiburg): "The Idea of Transcendence in Gadamer"
Luca Oliva (Milan): "Transcendence and Subjectivity in Heidegger"
Galen Strawson (Reading/Copenhagen): "The Grounds of Self-consciousness"
Arne Grøn (Copenhagen): "Subjectivity and Transcendence: Problems and Perspectives"
Location: Alexandersalen, Bispetorv 1-3, Copenhagen
Organized by Arne Grøn, Dan Zahavi, and Galen Strawson in collaboration with the Research School of Religion and Society.
06.11.2003. 15.15-17.00
Lecture by Tim Crane, Department of Philosophy, University College London, UK
Title: "The Intentionality of Perception"
Location: CFS, lecture room 8, 2. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
Organized in collaboration with NAMICONA
04.11.2003. 15.15-17.00
Lecture by Daniel Stern, Université de Genève, Switzerland
Title: "The Process of Change in Psychotherapy: an Intersubjective View"
Location: KUA, Auditorium 23.0.50, Njalsgade 122-26, 2300 Copenhagen S
Organized in collaboration with the Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen
04.11.2003. 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Daniel Stern, Université de Genève, Switzerland
Title: "The Micro-analytic Interview, Another way to Sneak up on Consciousness"
Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
28.10.2003. 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Galen Strawson, CFS & Department of Philosophy, University of Reading, UK
Title: "The Self: The Case for the Defence"
Location: CFS, lecture room 44, Købmagergade 50, 1150 Copenhagen K
13.10.2003. 16.15-18.00
Lecture by Konrad Cramer, Philosophisches Seminar, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
Title: "Ich, Intentionalität und Selbstbewußtsein. Überlegungen zu Edmund Husserls Theorie der Subjektivität in seinen 'Logischen Untersuchungen' von 1901"
Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
Prior registration required.
09.10.2003 - 13.10.2003
Title: "Subjektivität und Wahrheit - Subjectivity and Truth"
The Schleiermacher Kierkegaard Congress is organized by the Internationale Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft and The Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre together with The Faculty of Theology at Copenhagen University, The Kierkegaard Society in Denmark, and The Center for Subjectivity Research.
08.10.2003. 15.15-17.00
Lecture by Shaun Gallagher, Department of Philosophy, University of Central Florida, USA
Title: "Central Coherence and the Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity in Autism"
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
19.09.2003. 15.15-17.00
Lecture by James Conant, Department of Philosophy, University of Chicago, USA
Title: "Cartesian and Kantian Varieties of Skepticism"
Location: CFS, lecture room 12, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003
Title: "Intersubjectivity and Embodiment. Perspectives from Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences"
The conference is organized by Beata Stawarska and takes place at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. It is co-sponsored by the Center for Subjectivity Research.
10.09.2003. 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Galen Strawson, CFS & Department of Philosophy, University of Reading, UK
Title: "Against Narrativity"
Location: CFS, lecture room 8, 2. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
09.09.2003. 10.15-13.00
Lecture by Lars Bo Gundersen, Department of Philosophy, University of Aarhus
Title: "Dispositional Theories of Knowledge"
Lecture by Jakob Hohwy, Department of Philosophy, University of Aarhus
Title: "Unusual Experiences, Reality Testing and Delusions of Control"
Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
05.09.2003. 10.15-12.30
Lecture by Arne Grøn, Danish National Research Foundation: Center for Subjectivity Research
Title: "Historie, subjektivitet og det messianske: Benjamin og Adorno"
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
04.09.2003. 15.30-17.00
Lecture by Elkhonon Goldberg, School of Medicine, New York University, USA
Title: "Away from Tired, Tried, and True: An Innovative Approach to Neuropsychological Test Design"
Location: Panum, Lecture room 21.1.18, Blegdamsvej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N
01.09.2003 - 15.12.2003
Visiting Professor:
Galen Strawson, Department of Philosophy, University of Reading, UK
25.08.2003. 13.00-15.30
Title: "Bevidsthed: Udfordringer i det 21. århundrede"
Morten Møller (Department of Medical Anatomy, University of Copenhagen): "Hjernens kontrol af døgnrytmer."
Deborah Licht (CFS): "Schizotypal Personality Disorder and the Brain: Uncovering Assumptions."
Niels Henrik Gregersen (Department of Systematic Theology, University of Aarhus): "Fra mind-body problemet til mind-culture problemet: Forskellige versioner af superveniensteorien."
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
04.07.2003 - 06.07.2003
Title: "Krise der Subjektivität - und die Antworten darauf"
The conference is organized by the Institute for Hermeneutics and Philosophy of Religion, University of Zürich, in collaboration with the Center for Subjectivity Research, and takes place in Zürich.
23.06.2003. 17.15-19.00
Lecture by Pierre Bovet, CFS & Département universitaire de psychiatrie adulte, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Title: "The Concept of Schizoidia in the first half of 20th Century"
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
20.06.2003. 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Hermann Schmid
Title: "Brevvekslingen mellem Horkheimer og Adorno vedrørende eskatologisk håb efter Auschwitz"
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
10.06.2003. 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Tarjei Mandt Larsen, Department of Philosophy, University of Tromsö, Norway / Boston College, USA
Title: "Is Husserl's Theory of Intentionality Internalist?"
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
03.06.2003. 15.15-17.30
Lecture by Thomas Brudholm, Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Title: "Forsoningsbegrebet hos Jean Améry"
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
28.05.2003. 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Christine Axt-Piscalar, Systematische Theologie, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Germany
Title: "Theologische Perspektive der Subjektivitätstheorie"
Location: CFS, lecture room 9, Købmagergade 44-46, 2. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K Organized in collaboration with the Department of Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen
22.05.2003. 14.15-16.00
Lecture by Pierre Bovet, CFS & Département universitaire de psychiatrie adulte, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Title: "Autobiographical Narratives among Couples seeking Medically Assisted Procreation"
Location: Panum, Store Mødelokale, Blegdamsvej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N
20.05.2003. 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Josef Parnas, Danish National Research Foundation: Center for Subjectivity Research
Title: "Udviklingen af psykiatrisk klassifikation. Et historisk perspektiv"
Location: CFS, lecture room 8, Købmagergade 44-46, 2. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
20.05.2003. 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Giovanni Stanghellini, Department of Mental Health, University of Florence, Italy
Title: "Psychopathology of Commonsense."
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
15.05.2003. 15.15-17.00
Lecture by Charles Siewert, Department of Philosophy, University of Miami, USA
Title: "Attending to Experience: the 'Transparency' of Consciousness."
Location: CFS, lecture room 7, Købmagergade 44-46, 1. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
13.05.2003. 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Dan Zahavi, Danish National Research Foundation: Center for Subjectivity Research
Title: "The Heidelberg School and the Limits of Reflection."
Location: CFS, lecture room 8, Købmagergade 44-46, 2. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
13.05.2003. 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Charles Siewert, Department of Philosophy, University of Miami, USA
Title: "Attention and Inner Sense."
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
05.05.2003 - 07.05.2003
Conference / Ph.D. course
Title: "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Self-Consciousness."
Monday, May 5th
Frederik d. 5’s vej 11, Teilum Building, auditorium B, 2100 Copenhagen Ø
Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen): "Introduction: Varieties of Selfhood"
Philippe Rochat (Emory University): "Emergence of Self-awareness as Co-awareness in Early Child Development"
Hans Lou (University of Copenhagen): "Neural Basis of Consciousness and Self-consciousness"
Josef Parnas (University of Copenhagen): "Phenomenological Explanation: The Case of Schizophrenia"
Antoine Lutz (University of Wisconsin-Madison): "Linking the Phenomenal and the Biological Levels"
Tuesday, May 6th
Frederik d. 5’s vej 11, Teilum Building, auditorium A, 2100 Copenhagen Ø
Elisabeth Fivaz-Depeursinge (Université de Lausanne): "Threesome intersubjectivity (baby+parents): A contribution to self-awareness"
Shaun Gallagher (Canisius College, Buffalo): "Two modes of self-awareness: sense of agency and sense of ownership"
Panum Institute, Blegdamsvej 3, Haderup auditorium, 2200 Copenhagen N
Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen): "The embodied self-awareness of the infant: A challenge to the theory-theory of mind?"
John G. Taylor (King's College, London): "Attentional basis of consciousness and self-consciousness"
Marc Jeannerod (CNRS, Lyon): "Agency, simulation and self-identification"
Wednesday, May 7th
Frederik d. 5’s vej 11, Teilum Building, auditorium B, 2100 Copenhagen Ø
Arne Grøn (University of Copenhagen): "The concepts of identity"
Pierre Bovet (Université de Lausanne): "Experience and enaction of identity disorder: The case of schizophrenia"
William Barré (University of Copenhagen): "Brain structure and symptoms in Schizophrenia"
Organized by Josef Parnas, Dan Zahavi, and Pierre Bovet in collaboration with the Graduate School of Neuroscience and the Danish Research School in Philosophy.
03.05.2003 16.15-18.00
Discussion with Paul Ricoeur
Location: Kældercafeen, Købmagergade 44, 1150 Copenhagen K
Organized in collaboration with Department of Philosophy of Education, Danish University of Education
03.05.2003 9.00-18.30
Title: "The Self."
The conference is organized by Galen Strawson and takes place at the University of Reading, UK. It is co-sponsored by the Center for Subjectivity Research.
30.04.2003 9.15-16.00
Ph.D course
Title: "Tid, erindring, forsoning."
Thomas Brudholm: "Krænkelse og forsoning"
Ettore Rocca: "Skam og hukommelse"
Wenche Quist: "Gentagelse og forsoning"
Iben Damgaard: "Den brudte narrativitet"
Arne Grøn: "Etikkens grænse – grænsens etik"
Peter Kemp: "Hukommelse og glemsel – en læsning af Bergson ud fra Paul Ricoeur"
Organized by Thomas Brudholm, Wenche Marit Quist, Iben Damgaard and Arne Grøn in collaboration with the Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies.
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
29.04.2003. 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Folke Tersman, Department of Philosophy, Göteborg University, Sweden
Title: "Davidson on Triangulation and Subjectivity."
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
24.04.2003. 16.15-18.00
Lecture by Pierre Bovet, CFS & Département universitaire de psychiatrie adulte, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Title: "Transmission of Symbolic Marks of Identity Within Extended Families of Schizophrenics. An Epidemiological Investigation."
Location: Panum, Store Mødelokale, Blegdamsvej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N
22.04.2003. 10.45-16.15
Title: "Brain and Consciousness. First Annual Meeting of CFS and CFIN"
Dan Zahavi (CFS): Presentation of Center for Subjectivity Research
Josef Parnas (CFS): "Schizophrenia as a Disorder of Consciousness: Developmental Considerations."
Søren Overgaard (CFS): "Wittgenstein on Subjectivity."
Leif Østergaard (CFIN): Presentation of Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, University of Aarhus
Albert Gjedde (CFIN): "Brain Work: from Metabolism to Consciousness."
Andreas Roepstorff (CFIN): "Subjectivity as an Experimental Variable: from Phenomenal Experience to top-top Interactions."
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
08.04.2003. 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Jesper Dam, Psykiatrisk Afdeling, Hillerød Sygehus
Title: "Sygdomsindsigt ved psykiatriske lidelser."
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
04.04.2003. 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Werner Jeanrond, The Danish Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Denmark
Title: "Embodiment, Love, and the Emerging Subject."
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
01.04.2003 - 30.06.2003
Visiting Professor:
Pierre Bovet, Département universitaire de psychiatrie adulte - Section Minkowski, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
14.03.2003. 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Yoko Arisaka, Department of Philosophy, University of San Francisco, USA
Title: "Transcendental Framework and its Justification in Analyzing Consciousness."
Location: CFS, lecture room 8, Købmagergade 44-46, 2. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
13.03.2003. 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Dermot Moran, Department of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Ireland
Title: "The Mark of the Mental? Intentionality in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy."
Location: CFS, lecture room 8, Købmagergade 44-46, 2. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
11.03.2003. 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Dermot Moran, Department of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Ireland
Title: "The Problem of Empathy: Husserl and Stein."
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
05.03.2003. 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Winfried Schröder, Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
Title: "Dialektik der Aufklärung und moralischer Nihilismus."
Location: CFS, lecture room 27, Købmagergade 50, 1150 Copenhagen K
Organized in collaboration with the Department of Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen
04.03.2003. 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Arne Grøn, Danish National Research Foundation: Center for Subjectivity Research
Title: "Naturalisme og Hermeneutik: Nietzsches Religionskritik."
Location: CFS, lecture room 8, Købmagergade 44-46, 2. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
28.02.2003. 17.15-19.00
Lecture by Dan Lloyd, Department of Philosophy, Trinity College, Hartford, CT, USA.
Title: "Phenomenology as Cognitive Neuroscience: A Case Study in Functional Brain Imagery."
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
24.02.2003. 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Manfred Frank, Philosophisches Seminar, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany.
Title: "Zwei Weisen bewusster Selbstbeziehung: Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstwissen."
Location: KUA, lecture room 6.1.48, Njalsgade 80, 2300 Copenhagen S
Organized in collaboration with the Department of Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen
07.02.2003. 14.30-16.30
Lecture by Christoph Mundt, Psychiatrische Klinik, Universität Heidelberg, Germany.
Title: "Life-Themes in Psychopathological Conditions."
Location: Panum, Store Mødelokale, Blegdamsvej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N
06.02.2003. 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Egil Hove Olsvik, Filosofisk Institutt, Universitetet i Bergen, Norway.
Title: "Empati som forutsetning for inter-esse: schizofreni beskrevet som en tendensielt solipsistisk erfaringsmodus."
Location: CFS, room 403, Købmagergade 44-46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K