18.12.2004 - 19.12.2004
EUROCORES Preparatory Workshop
Title: "Consciousness in a Natural and Cultural Context - CNCC"
Saturday, December 18th
Dan Zahavi (CFS): Welcome and general introduction
Rüdiger Klein (ESF): Presentation of the EUROCORES scheme
Presentation of related European research projects
Presentation of related US research projects
Naomi Eilan (UK): "The study of consciousness: Conceptual and methodological challenges"
Tim Crane (UK): "Philosophy of mind: Phenomenological and metaphysical issues"
Thomas Fuchs (Germany): "Pathologies of consciousness"
Marc Jeannerod (France): "Consciousness and brain"
Dan Zahavi (CFS): "Consciousness, embodiment, and selfhood"
Vittorio Gallese (Italy): "The phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of consciousness"
Sunday, December 19th
Manuel Garcia-Carpintero (Spain): "Consciousness and language"
Ingolf Dalferth (Switzerland): "Consciousness in a historical and cultural context"
Final remarks – prospects and perils of interdisciplinary collaborations.
Organized by Dan Zahavi
Location: Hotel Skt. Petri, Krystalgade 22, Copenhagen K.
Sponsored by the European Science Foundation
02.12.2004 - 03.12.2004
Title: "Time and Existence"
Thursday, December 2nd
Klaus Held (Bergische Universität Wuppertal): "Authentic Time in Husserl and Heidegger"
Thomas Schwarz Wentzer (University of Aarhus): "History as Repetition.
Heidegger, Benjamin and the Problem of a Human Historicity"
Friday, December 3rd
Piet Hut (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton): "Changes in Physics in our Understanding of Space, Time, and Identity"
Dan Zahavi (CFS, University of Copenhagen): "Questioning Time"
Thomas Fuchs (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg): "Psychopathology of Intersubjective Time"
Wenche Marit Quist (CFS, University of Copenhagen): "Kierkegaard and Heidegger
on Time and the Transcendence of the Self"
Organized by Dan Zahavi
Location: Alexander Hall, Bispetorvet 1-3, Copenhagen K.
01.12.2004. 16.00-18.30
Lecture by Thomas Fuchs, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany
Title: "Corporealized and Disembodied Minds: A Phenomenological View of the Body in Melancholia and Schizophrenia."
Location: Panum, Store Mødelokale, Blegdamsvej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N
Organized in collaboration with the Interest Group in Phenomenological Psychiatry, Danish Psychiatric Association
23.11.2004 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Philippe Rochat, Dept. of Psychology, Emory University, USA.
Title: "Origins and Meanings of Self-Awareness"
Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
08.10.2004 - 09.10.2004
Title: "Madness and Irrationality"
Friday, October 8th
Heikki J. Koskinen (University of Helsinki): "Metaphysics, Reason, and Irrationality"
Leila Haaparanta (University of Tampere) "Irrationality and the Bounds of Logic"
Dan Zahavi (CFS): "The Use and Misuse of Pathology"
Saturday, October 9th
Jon Olafsson (Reykjavik Academy): "Rationality and Madness"
Sami Pihlström (University of Helsinki): "Irrationality and Horror: Challenging Conceptual Categories"
Jarkko Vilkkilä (University of Tampere): "Irrationality and Intentionality"
Timo Vuorio (University of Tampere): "Does Rorty drive us into Irrationalism?"
Marika Enwald (University of Tampere): "The Notion of Madness - What does it say about Humanity and Rationality?"
Organized by Søren Overgaard and Dan Zahavi
Sponsored by the Nordic Research Council for the Humanities (NOS-H)
30.09.2004 - 02.10.2004
Conference / Ph.D. course
Title: "Rationality of Understanding"
Thursday, September 30th
Günter Figal (Freiburg): "The Ambivalence of Interpretation. Hermeneutics and Psychoanalysis"
PhD paper - Saku Hara (Mainz): "An Ecological Theory of Rational Interpretation"
Axel Bühler (Düsseldorf): "On Limitations of Principles of Charity"
Friday, October 1st
Ingolf U. Dalferth (Zürich/Copenhagen): "Beyond Understanding?"
Ph.D paper - Benjamín Olivares Bøgeskov (Copenhagen): "Knowledge and Sadness in Saint Thomas of Aquinas"
Ph.D paper - Lisa Käll (Copenhagen): "Self-Understanding, Trauma and the Embodiment of Language"
Arne Grøn (Copenhagen): "Understanding the Limits of Understanding"
Saturday, October 2nd
Bernard Pachoud (Paris): "Event and Understanding. A Phenomenological and Existential Analysis and its Relevance to Psychopathology"
Josef Parnas (Copenhagen): "Philosophical Frameworks in Understanding Psychosis"
Organized by Arne Grøn, Josef Parnas & Ingolf U. Dalferth in collaboration with the Research School of Religion and Society.
29.09.2004 19.30-21.30
Lecture by Günther Figal, Philosophisches Seminar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Title: "Machen, was noch nicht da ist. Metaphysik nach Nietzsche und Heidegger"
Location: Goethe Institute, Nørre Voldgade 106, 1358 Copenhagen K
Organized in collaboration with the Goethe Institute, Copenhagen
16.09.2004 14.15-16.00
Lecture by Ingolf U. Dalferth, CFS & Institut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie, Universität Zürich
Title: "Real Presences: Steiner’s Wager on God"
Location: CFS, lecture room 9, 2. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
12.09.2004 - 15.09.2004
Title: "Immanuel Kant. Eine Einführung in Leben und Werk"
Location: Isle of Spiekeroog
Organized by Cornelia Richter
Title: "Ethics and Religion in Wittgenstein"
Nehama Verbin (Ben Gurion University of the Negev): "Varieties of Redemption"
Søren Overgaard (CFS, University of Copenhagen): "The Ethical Residue of Language in Levinas and Early Wittgenstein"
Anne-Marie Christensen (University of Aarhus): "Wittgenstein and Ethical Necessities, or Why Murder Must be Wrong"
Jens Glebe-Møller (University of Copenhagen): "How Words are Understood is not Told by Words Alone. (Theology.)"
Organized by Arne Grøn
Location: CFS, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
02.09.2004 18.00-21.00
Seminar with Ingolf U. Dalferth, CFS & Institut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie, Universität Zürich
Title: "Aufgabe und Möglichkeiten der Religionsphilosophie"
Organized in collaboration with Institute of Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen
Location: Room 347, 3. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
01.09.2004 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Ingolf U. Dalferth, CFS & Institut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie, Universität Zürich
Title: "Fundamentaltheologie oder Religionsphilosophie? Zur Debatte um eine evangelische Fundamentaltheologie"
Location: CFS, lecture room 7, Købmagergade 44-46, 1. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
01.08.2004 - 31.10.2004
Visiting Professor:
Ingolf U. Dalferth, Institut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie, Universität Zürich, Switzerland
14.06.2004 - 16.06.2004
Conference / Ph.D. course
Title: "The Embodied Mind"
Monday, June 14th
Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen): "Embodied phenomenology. The classical accounts"
Sara Heinämaa (University of Helsinki): "Sexuality and sexual difference: Questions in
the phenomenological account of embodiment"
Søren Overgaard (University of Copenhagen): "Expression, Mind, and Behavior:
Another Look at the Later Wittgenstein"
Tuesday, June 15th
Alva Noë (University of California, Berkeley): "Experience without the Head"
Evan Thompson (York University): "Consciousness and Valence"
Sean Kelly (Princeton University): "The Logic of Motor Intentional Activity"
Shaun Gallagher (University of Central Florida): "The Framework of Egocentric Space"
Jonathan Cole (University of Southampton): "Disembodied Minds? Inside Tetraplegia"
Wednesday, June 16th
Dorothée Legrand (CEPERC): "The Bodily Self: The Sensori-Motor Roots of Pre-Reflexive Self-Consciousness."
Yves Rossetti (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale): "Acting on the Mind: A Piagetian Bottom-Up Structuration of Mental Representation Through Visuo-Manual Plasticity"
Thomas Fuchs (Universität Heidelberg): "The Disembodied Mind. Pathologies of Body Awareness and Body Action"
Josef Parnas (University of Copenhagen): "Embodiment in the Economy of Self-Awareness"
Organized by Dan Zahavi, Josef Parnas and Shaun Gallagher in collaboration with the Graduate School of Neuroscience and the research priority area "Body and Mind", University of Copenhagen.
08.06.2004. 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Evan Thompson, Department of Philosophy, York University, Canada
Title: "Radical Embodiment"
Lecture by Alva Noë, Department of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Title: "Action in Perception"
Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
03.06.2004 - 17.06.2004
Visiting Professors:
Alva Noë, Department of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Evan Thompson, Department of Philosophy, York University, Canada
26.05.2004 15.15-17.00
Lecture by Anthony Steinbock, Department of Philosophy, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA
Title: "Temporality and Possibility: Toward a Phenomenology of Hope."
Location: CFS, lecture room 11, Købmagergade 44-46, 3. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
18.05.2004 15.15-17.00
Lecture by David Rosenthal, Program in Philosophy, City University of New York, USA
Title: "Consciousness and the Self"
Location: CFS, lecture room 9, 2. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
Organized in collaboration with the Danish Society for Philosophy and Psychology
11.05.2004 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Gunn Engelsrud, Nina Schriver & Finn Nortvedt, Section for Health Science, University of Oslo
Title: "Movement and Pain: A Phenomenological Perspective"
Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
06.05.2004 11.00-16.00
Title: "From Self to Sense. Conscious Experience and Brain Activations. Second Annual Meeting of CFIN and CFS"
Andreas Roepstorff (CFIN): Introduction
Dan Zahavi (CFS): "Consciousness and Self-consciousness"
Mikkel Wallentin (CFIN): "Does meaning require effort"
Jørgen Thalbitzer (CFS): "Anomalies in self-experience as a core phenotype in the schizophrenia spectrum disorders"
Paul Cumming (CFIN): "PET-studies of psychostimulant action"
Location: Centre for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, University of Aarhus, Trøjborgvej 72, 1st floor, 8200 Århus N
29.04.2004 - 30.04.2004
Title: "Subjektivitet og Narratologi"
Thursday, April 29th
Arne Grøn (CFS, University of Copenhagen): "Narrativitet og Subjektivitet"
Lisa Käll (CFS, University of Copenhagen): "Uttryckets paradox och narrativ identitet"
Jørgen Holmgaard (Aalborg University): "Omkring fænomenologi og strukturalisme i 1950’erne og 60’erne i Frankrig, med et
par danske fodnoter"
Marianne Wolff Lundholt (University of Southern Denmark): "Subjektivitet på Syntaksniveau"
Friday, April 30th
Iben Damgaard (CFS, University of Copenhagen): "Narrativ identitet – Ricoeur og Kierkegaard"
Nils Gunder Hansen (Berlingske Tidende, Copenhagen): "Historien om en forudsigelig skuffelse. Eller: Længslen efter
den alvidende fortæller i den nyeste danske litteraturkritik"
Gorm Larsen (University of Copenhagen): "Point of View og spørgsmålet om fortæller og subjektivitet"
Thor Grünbaum (CFS, University of Copenhagen): "Handling i virkeligheden, litteraturen og narratologien"
Location: lecture room Vester D45, Vestergade 10, entrance D, 4th floor, Copenhagen.
Organized by Thor Grünbaum, Lisa Käll and Nils Gunder Hansen.
16.03.2004 10.15-12.00
John Carter, Social Science Research Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Title: "Nature and Nurture. Gene-Environment Interaction in the Copenhagen High-Risk Project."
Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
12.03.2004 10.15-12.00
Shaun Gallagher, Department of Philosophy, University of Central Florida, USA
Title: "Experimenting with Phenomenology."
Location: Learning Lab Denmark, Emdrupvej 101, 2400 København NV
Organized in collaboration with Learning Lab Denmark
10.03.2004 14.15-16.00
Shaun Gallagher, Department of Philosophy, University of Central Florida, USA
Title: "Mutual Interpretations: Hermeneutics and the Science of Mind."
Location: KUA, lecture room 25.0.28, Njalsgade 140-142, 2300 København S
Organized in collaboration with Department for Cultural Studies and the Arts, University of Copenhagen
27.02.2004 15.00-16.00
Lecture by Jonathan Cole, Division of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Southampton, UK
Title: "The Physiology and Phenomenology of Loss of Touch and Proprioception Below the Neck"
Location: Panum Institut, room 22.1.29 (The library at The Department of Medical Anatomy, MAI), Blegdamsvej 3B, Copenhagen N
25.02.2004 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Jonathan Cole, Division of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Southampton, UK
Title: "About and Without Face: Living with Facial Disfigurement"
Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
19.02.2004 15.15-17.00
Shaun Gallagher, Department of Philosophy, University of Central Florida, USA
Title: "'Yes and No': The Right and Wrong Answers to the Molyneux Problem."
Location: CFS, lecture room 12, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
17.02.2004 10.15-12.00
Shaun Gallagher, Department of Philosophy, University of Central Florida, USA
Title: "Free Will and Conscious Decision."
Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
15.02.2004 - 13.03.2004
Visiting Professor:
Shaun Gallagher, Department of Philosophy, University of Central Florida, USA
Organized in collaboration with the research priority area “Body and Mind” at the University of Copenhagen
12.02.2004 14.15-16.00
Lecture by Bent Flemming Nielsen, Department of Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Title: "Ritualisering som udfordring til subjektivitetsteorien"
Location: CFS, lecture room 9, Købmagergade 44-46, 2. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K
10.02.2004 - 11.02.2004
Title: "Kant Heute? Perspektiven für Philosophie, Religion und Politik. Eine Tagung zum 200. Todestag"
Tuesday, February 10th
Otfried Höffe (Tübingen): "Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft: 200 Jahre später neu gelesen"
Volker Gerhardt (Berlin): "Eine kritische Philosophie des Lebens. Kants Theorie der menschlichen Existenz"
Wednesday, February 11th
Jens Saugstad (Oslo): "Kant’s doctrine of transcendental freedom – the possibility of a defense"
Cornelia Richter (Copenhagen): "Zwischen Kritik und Orientierung. Kants Philosophie der Religion"
Birgit Recki (Hamburg): "Kant über Leben und Tod. Eine Moralphilosophie zwischen Freiheit und praktischer Zuversicht"
Jørgen Hass (Odense): "Kritik der Urteilskraft - Vermittlung von wissenschaftlicher Rationalität und praxisorientierter Vernunft"
Location: Goethe Institute, Nørre Voldgade 106, 1358 Copenhagen K
Organized by Cornelia Richter in collaboration with the Goethe Institute, Copenhagen
28.01.2004 14.15-16.00
Lecture by Ulrika Björk, Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki, Finland
Title: "The History of the 'I'"
Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K
27.01.2004 14.30-16.00
Lecture by Mario Maj, Department of Psychiatry, Università di Napoli, Italy
Title: "Bipolar Disorders and Lithium Treatment."
Location: Panum, lecture room 21.1.18, Blegdamsvej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N
Organized in collaboration with the Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Psychiatry, University of Copenhagen
23.01.2004 14.00-15.30
Lecture by Dan Zahavi, Danish National Research Foundation: Center for Subjectivity Research
Title: "Subjectivity and Science."
Location: CFS, lecture room 7, 1. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K