Title: "Litteratur og Ontologi"

Søren Harnow Klausen (University of Southern Denmark): Introduktion
Nikolaj Zeuthen (University of Copenhagen): "Fiktionens grammatik"
Thomas Illum Hansen (University of Southern Denmark): "Point of Perception"
Mikkel Bruun Zangenberg (University of Copenhagen): "Fiktive umuligheder"
Thor Grünbaum (University of Copenhagen): "Fiktionelle karakterer i kød og blod"
Peer Bundgaard (University of Aarhus): "Æstetisk og naturlig perception"
Organized by Center for Subjectivity Research, Thor Grünbaum in collaboration with University of Southern Denmark, Thomas Illum Hansen (Netværket FÆL;
Institute of Literature, Media and Cultural Studies; and Institute of Philosophy, Education and Religion).
Location: Auditorium U48 A, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, Odense

15.12.2005 13.00-16.00
Forsvar af ph.d.-afhandling
Cand.theol. Iben Damgaard
Titel: ”Mulighedens Spejl - Forestilling, fortælling og selvforhold hos Kierkegaard og Ricœur”
Sted: Auditorium 7, Købmagergade 46, 1. sal, København K.
Vejleder: Professor Arne Grøn.
Bedømmelsesudvalg: Professor Werner Jeanrond, Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap, Lunds Universitet, Sverige; professor George Pattison, Christ Church, University of Oxford, England; og lektor Carsten Pallesen, Afdeling for Systematisk Teologi, Københavns Universitet (formand).

21.11.2005 15.15-17.00
Lecture by Wolfgang Fasching, Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien, Austria.
Title: "'Neither Physical nor Psychical': The Phenomenological Conception of Consciousness and the Overcoming of the Inner-Outer Split"
Location: Købmagergade 46, lecture room 12, 4th floor, 1150 Copenhagen K.

02.11.2005 19.00-22.00
Title: Paul Ricoeur

Speakers: Tomonobu Imamichi (Japan), Peter Kemp (Denmark), Bengt Kristensson Uggla (Sweden), Peter McCormick (Lichtenstein and France), Jacob Dahl Rendtorff (Denmark) and Leovino M. Garcia (the Philippines).
Location: Lecture Hall H06, University of Copenhagen, Main Building, Frue Plads, Copenhagen K.
Organized in collaboration with Filosofisk Forum.

27.10.2005 - 28.10.2005
Ph.D. Course
Title: "Animal Consciousness"

Thursday, October 27th
Dan Zahavi (CFS, University of Copenhagen): Welcome and outline of the course
Monica Libell (Department of Cultural Sciences, Lund University): "Animals –machines or minded beings - Elements of the history of the
idea of animal consciousness."
Björn Forkman (Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen): "Animal consciousness – An ethological perspective"
Jesper Mogensen (Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen): "Animal consciousness – A neurobiological perspective"
Francoise Wemelsfelder (Sustainable Livestock Systems Group, Scottish Agricultural College): "Studying animal consciousness – A holistic perspective"
Dinner and informal discussion

Friday, October 28th
Dan Zahavi (CFS, University of Copenhagen): "Experiencing minded creatures – an alternative to the “theory of mind”"
Oliver Kaufmann (Department of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen): "Tensions in the notion of 'consciousness'"
Peter Sandøe (Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen): "Consciousness and the moral standing of animals"
"Studying animal consciousness – How far can science take us?" Concluding debate moderated by Peter Sandøe
Organizers: Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, and Centre for Bioethics and Risk Assessment, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen
Organising committee: Stine B. Christiansen, Björn Forkman, Oliver Kauffmann, Dan Zahavi and Peter Sandøe.

07.10.2005 - 09.10.2005
Title: "L’essere umano come rapporto: L’antropologia filosofica e teologica di Søren Kierkegaard" // "Mennesket som forhold: Søren Kierkegaards filosofiske og teologiske antropologi"

Organized by Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Copenaghen, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Verona, Società italiana per gli studi kierkegaardiani, Søren Kierkegaard Forskningscenteret, Institut for Filosofi, Pædagogik og Retorik, Københavns Universitet, & Center for Subjectivity Research
Location: Istituto italiano di cultura di Copenaghen, Gjørlingsvej 11, Hellerup

04.10.2005 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Max Velmans, Psychology Department, Goldsmith College, London, UK
Title: "An Epistemology for the Study of Consciousness"

Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K

30.09.2005 - 01.10.2005
Title: "Phenomenology of Perception 60 years later"

Friday, September 30th
Sara Heinämaa (Helsinki) “Personal and Anonymous: Merleau-Ponty’s Concept of the Subject”
Thor Grünbaum (Copenhagen) “Action and Direct Reference”
Kurt Dauer Keller (Aalborg) “Our Bodily Being and the Corporeal Intentionality”
Silvia Stoller (Vienna) “Expressivity and Performativity – Merleau-Ponty and Butler”
Eva Schwarz (Graz/Copenhagen) “The Myth of the Object – The Concept of Nature in Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception”
Harald Wiltsche (Graz) “A New Perspective on the Philosophy of Science with/after Merleau-Ponty”

Saturday, October 1st
Mauro Carbone (Milan) "‘The Words of the Oracle’ – Merleau-Ponty and the ‘Philosophy of Freudianism’"
Gunn Engelsrud (Oslo) "Bodily Beeing as a relational experience - an example from contemporary dance practice"
Finn Nortvedt (Oslo) "The Phantom Limb – A Past Remembrance or an Inborn Complex?"
Darian Meacham (Leuven) "Jan Pato?ka and the Politics of Perception"
Ulla Thøgersen (Aalborg) "Merleau-Ponty on the Relation of Affectivity and Speech – A Challenge to Communication Studies"
Anna Petronella Fredlund (Stockholm) "Merleau-Ponty's notion of Gestalt as a means towards overcoming objective thinking"
Organized by Lisa Käll & Eva Schwarz (CFS)
Location: University of Copenhagen, The Faculty of Humanities, Auditorium 10.1.22, Njalsgade 80, Copenhagen S. (old KUA) 

08.09.2005 - 09.09.2005
Title: "SCHIZOPHRENIA: Boundaries, Psychopathology, and Pathogenesis"

Thursday, September 8th
Chairman: Professor Josef Parnas, University of Copenhagen
Introductory lecture
Josef Parnas (HH & University of Copenhagen): "The spectrum of schizophrenic disorders – a quest for elusive validity"
Lennart Jansson, (HH): "The poly-diagnostic studies: What do they say about the clinical boundaries of the schizophrenia concept?"
Peter Handest (HH): "Anomalies of subjective experience as basic phenotypes of the schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A review of the empirical studies"
Pierre Bovet (University of Lausanne, Switzerland): "Conceptual evolution of the schizophrenic spectrum of disorders and the validity of current Axis II Cluster A personality disorders"
Discussion - Chairman: Professor Ralf Hemmingsen, University of Copenhagen
Tilo Kircher (University of Aachen): "Functional imaging in schizophrenia"
Birte Glenthøj (Bispebjerg Hospital & University of Copenhagen): "The role of neurotransmitters in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia: current status"
Thomas Werge (Sct. Hans Hospital): "Current status of molecular genetic findings in schizophrenia"

Friday, September 9th
Chairman: Professor Louis Sass, Rutgers University
Hagop Akiskal (University of California in San Diego, USA): "Why does a specialist of bipolar disorders give a talk on diagnosing schizophrenia?"
Louis Sass (Rutgers University, USA): "Searching for unity in schizophrenia"
Merete Nordentoft (Bispebjerg Hospital): "Early detection and intervention in first episode psychosis"
Chairman: Associate Professor Birte Glenthøj, University of Copenhagen
Sidse Arnfred (HH & University of Copenhagen): "Advances in (understanding of) EEG in schizophrenia"
Sophia Frangou (Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK): "Assembling the pieces of the schizophrenia puzzle"
Josef Parnas (Hvidovre Hospital & University of Copenhagen): Closing remarks.
The conference is organized jointly by the Department of Psychiatry, H:S Hvidovre Hospital (HH); Danish National Research Foundation: Centre for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen (CFS); and The Graduate School of Neuroscience, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
Conference leaders: Prof. Josef Parnas, Dr. Med and Dr. Peter Handest, MD, PhD.
Location: Rigshospitalet, Blegdamsvej 9, Copenhagen Ø, Auditorium 2.

07.09.2005 19.00-21.00
Lecture by Louis Sass, Department of Psychology, Rutgers, USA
Title: "Paradoxes of Emotion in Schizophrenia: A Phenomenological Approach"

Location: Øster Farimagsgade 5A. Aud. 1.1.18
Organized by CFS in collaboration with The Danish Society for Philosophy and Psychology

17.08.2005 - 20.08.2005
Title: "
Toward a Science of Consciousness 2005: Methodological and Conceptual Issues"
Organized by Dan Zahavi, Nini Prætorius, Andreas Roepstorff, Oliver Kauffmann, Morten Overgaard.

08.07.2005 - 09.07.2005
Title: "Phenomenology and Philosophy of Religion / Phänomenologie und Religionsphilosophie"

Organized by Arne Grøn, Cornelia Richter (CFS) and Ingolf U. Dalferth (The German Society for Philosophy of Religion)
Friday, July 8th
Thomas Ryba (West Lafayette, Indiana): "An Entry to Phenomenology of Religion"
Martina Plümacher (Bremen): "Religion als ”Symbolische Form” Vereinheitlichende Perspektiven auf Religionen"
Philipp Stoellger (Zürich): "Entzugserscheinungen. Überforderungen der Phänomenologie durch die Religion"
Henrik Vase Frandsen (Copenhagen): "“Eben von diesen Grundgegebenheiten her fällt das Gegenlicht auf unsere Handlungen, Ziele und Bestrebungen ...“
Kontra-intentionalität im kosmo-phänomenologischen Entwurf K.E. Løgstrups"

Saturday , Juli 9th
Maria Cavalcante (Södertörns Högskola, Stockholm): "Immer noch der Unterschied"
Svein Aage Christoffersen (Oslo): "The Phenomenological Approach in K.E. Løgstrup's Philosophy of Religion"
Thomas Wabel (Berlin): "Spiel der Differenzen. Theologische Transformationen des phänomenologischen Anliegens"
Svend Andersen (Århus): "Religion und die Grenzen der Phänomenologie. Überlegungen im Anschluss an Knud E. Løgstrup"
Location: Købmagergade 44, lecture room 1, 1150 Copenhagen K.

08.06.2005 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Stephen Watson, Department of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, USA
Title: "Between Hermeneutics and Phenomenology: The Long Farewell to Subject-Centered Rationality"

Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K

06.06.2005 15.15-17.00
Lecture by Shaun Gallagher, CFS & Department of Philosophy, University of Central Florida, USA
Title: "Endogenous Intersubjectivity and Object Perception"

Location: Købmagergade 46, lecture room 12, 4th floor, 1150 Copenhagen K.

02.06.2005 13.15-16.00
Lecture by Alva Noë, Department of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley, USA and
Evan Thompson, Department of Philosophy, York University, Canada
Title: "An Enactive Approach to Color Perception"

Location: Købmagergade 46, lecture room 12, 4th floor, 1150 Copenhagen K.

27.05.2005 - 29.05.2005
Title: "World and Mind: New Perspectives on the Internalism-Externalism Debate"

Friday, May 27th
Donn Welton (SUNY Stony Brook): "Perception without Representations"
Evan Thompson (York University): "Look Again: Consciousness and Mental Imagery"
Sean Kelly (Princeton University): "The Phenomenology of Perception and the Nature of Perceptual Content"
Alva Noë (University of California, Berkeley): "Real Presence"
Søren Overgaard (CFS, University of Copenhagen): "Externalism and Self-knowledge"

Saturday, May 28th
Tim Crane (University College London): "Intentionalism"
David Smith (University of Sussex): "Husserl and Externalism"
Dan Zahavi (CFS, University of Copenhagen): "Internalism, Externalism, and Transcendental Idealism"
Steven Crowell (Rice University): "Phenomenological Immanence and Semantic Externalism: A Rapprochement"
Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl (Karl-Franzens Universität Graz): "Phenomenological Contextualism"

Sunday, May 29th
Galen Strawson (University of Reading & CUNY Graduate Center): "Why Intentionality Entails Consciousness even if you are an Analytic Philosopher"
Jocelyn Benoist (Université Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne): "Seeking and Finding: Intentionality as Internal and as External Relation"
Uriah Kriegel (University of Arizona): "Husserlian Semantics Naturalized"
John Drummond (Fordham University): "Autonomous Internalism and Externalism in Ethics: A Phenomenological Reflection"
Shaun Gallagher (University of Central Florida): "Intentionality and Intentional Action"
Location: Alexander Hall, Bispetorvet 1-3, Copenhagen K
Organized by Dan Zahavi (CFS) in cooperation with the Danish Research School in Philosophy, History of Ideas and History of Science.

24.05.2005 14.15-18.00
Title: "
1st Person Methodologies in Cognitive Science"
Speakers: Uriah Kriegel (University of Arizona), Dan Zahavi (CFS), Morten Overgaard (Aarhus University Hospital)
Location: KUA, lecture room 22.0.11. Njalsgade 140-142, 2300 København S
Organized by Dan Zahavi in collaboration with The Danish Society for Philosophy and Psychology, and Centre for Theoretical and Empirical Consciousness Studies

20.05.2005 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Shaun Gallagher, CFS & Department of Philosophy, University of Central Florida, USA
Title: "Expertise, Phronesis, and the Self"

Location: Købmagergade 46, lecture room 12, 4th floor, 1150 Copenhagen K.

18.05.2005 - 18.06.2005
Visiting Professor:
Shaun Gallagher, Department of Philosophy, University of Central Florida, USA
Organized in collaboration with the research priority area “Body and Mind” at the University of Copenhagen)

05.05.2005 - 08.05.2005
Title: "
Philosophie des Geistes – Philosophy of Mind: Hegel on Religion and Philosophy"
Seminar for students of theology and philosophy from Denmark and Germany
Location: Isle of Spiekeroog, Germany
Organized by Cornelia Richter in cooperation with Philipps-University, Marburg

26.04.2005 10.15-12.00
Lecture by Leonard Lawlor, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Memphis, USA
Title: "Intuition and Duration: An Introduction to Bergson's 'Introduction to Metaphysics'"

Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4. floor, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K

14.04.2005 - 15.04.2005 9.00-16.00
Psykopatologisk workshop
Title: ""
Selv-forstyrrelser" ved skizofrene spektrumtilstande. Brug af EASE-skalaen."
Hvidovre Hospital, Psykiatrisk afdeling, Brøndbyøstervej 160, 2605 Brøndby.
Lecturers: Professor, dr.med. Josef Parnas; overlæge, ph.d. Peter Handest; overlæge Lennart Jansson; afdelingslæge, ph.d.-stud. Jørgen Thalbitzer.

14.03.2005 11.15-13.00
Lecture by Dan Zahavi
Title: "The Center for Subjectivity Research"

Location: Metro 7, Fiolstræde 4-6, 1171 Copenhagen K

10.03.2005 - 11.03.2005
Conference / Ph.D. course
Title: "Jewish Philosophy of Religion: Lévinas and Rosenzweig"
Thursday, March 10th
Location: Købmagergade 46, lecture room 11, 3rd floor, Copenhagen K.
Catherine Chalier (Paris): "The chosen ones"
Hans-Christoph Askani (Paris): "Rosenzweigs Verständnis der Offenbarung"
Jamie Ferreira (Virginia): "The Misfortune of the Happy: Levinas and Dimensions of Desire"
Han Adriaanse (Leiden): "Auch die 'Religion' muß dabei mittun Rosenzweigs Haß-Liebe Verhältnis zur Religion"

Friday, March 11th
Location: Købmagergade 50, lecture room Trin 128, Copenhagen K.
Donatella Di Cesare (Rom): "Echad. Rosenzweig und die Erlösung des Namens"
Claudia Welz (Zürich): "Beyond Synchrony and Temporal Totality?
Rupture, Renewal and Relations: Rosenzweig and Levinas on the Constitution of Co-Presence"
Werner Stegmaier (Greifswald): "Tora zur Orientierung. Jüdische Skepsis gegen Religionsphilosophie"
Ingolf U. Dalferth (Zürich): "Freiheit und Liebe"
Organized by Arne Grøn, Ingolf U. Dalferth and Werner Jeanrond in collaboration with the Research School of Religion and Society and the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University.

08.03.2005 13.15-15.00
Lecture by Ingolf U. Dalferth, CFS & Institut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie, Universität Zürich
Title: “Alles umsonst"

Location: CFS, Købmagergade 46, lecture room 8, 2nd floor, Copenhagen K
Organized by CFS in collaboration with Section for Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen

03.03.2005 15.15-17.00
Lecture by Ingolf U. Dalferth, CFS & Institut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie, Universität Zürich
Title: “Conflict, Dialogue and Contemplation: Religions in a World of Many Cultures"

Location: CFS, Købmagergade 46, lecture room 11, 3rd floor, Copenhagen K

26.02.2005 13.15-16.00
Lecture by Jean-Luc Marion, Sorbonne Paris IV & University of Chicago
Title: "Phenomenality and Revelation"

Location: Kældercafeen, Købmagergade 44, 1150 Copenhagen K
Organized by CFS in collaboration with Department of Philosophy of Education, Danish University of Education, and Institute of Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen

24.02.2005 - 25.02.2005
Annual Meeting of the Danish Society for Philosophy
Title: "Enlightenment/Oplysningsfilosofi"
Location: TBA
Organized by CFS & Department of Philosophy of Education, Danish University of Education
23.02.2005 15.15-17.00
Lecture by Christine M. Korsgaard, Department of Philosophy, Harvard University
Title: "Expulsion from the Garden: The Transition to Humanity"

Location: Købmagergade 46, lecture room 12, 4th floor, 1150 Copenhagen K.

18.02.2005 - 20.02.2005
Seminar/Ph.D. Course
Title: "Kierkegaards Ethik der Liebe: Das Selbst als der Nächste des Nächsten"

Friday, February 18th
"Liebe: Un-Sichtbarkeit. Kierkegaard und die aktuelle Diskussion: Ricoeur, Lévinas, Derrida, Marion"
"Liebe: Zeit und Differenz"

Saturday, February 19th
"Liebe: Wirklichkeit, Freiheit und Gabe"
"Liebe: Glaube und Hoffnung"
"Liebe: Freiheit und Alterität"

Sunday, February 20th
"Ethik der Liebe?" – Diskussion und thematische Zusammenfassung
Organized by Arne Grøn and Hartmut Rosenau in collaboration with the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen; the Faculty of Theology, University of Kiel; and the Research School of Religion and Society.
Location: CFS, lecture room 403, 4th floor, Købmagergade 44-46, Copenhagen