


Zahavi, D.: "Being you - or not. A challenge for Garfield and Seth." Journal of Consciousness Studies 31(5-6): 206-220.


Zahavi, D.: ‘’Ni,wo,women: Qingxu jingyan de gongxiang”, trans. Chen Jialin & Hu Kexin, Thought and Culture 2022 (1): 165-182.


Zahavi, D.: "Wo, ni he women: Chaoyue getizhuyi he jitizhuyi", trans. Yi Li, Philosophical Analysis 2024 (2): 3-20.


Loidolt, S., Zahavi, D.: "Edmund Husserl: Idealistic politics and communal spirit." In S. Hermann, G. Thonhauser, S. Loidolt, T. Matzner, N. Baratella (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Political Phenomenology (pp. 18-29), London: Routledge, 2024. 


Parnas, J., Parnas A.U.: "Refining the Diagnostic Criteria for Schizophrenia: An Infinite Task." Schizophrenia Bulletin 50(1), 2024, 12-13. 


Krcmar M, Wannan CMJ, Lavoie S, Allott K, Davey CG, Yuen HP, Whitford T, Formica M, Youn S, Shetty J, Beedham R, Rayner V, Murray G, Polari A, Gawęda Ł, Koren D, Sass L, Parnas J, Rasmussen AR, McGorry P, Hartmann JA, Nelson B.: "The self, neuroscience and psychosis study: Testing a neurophenomenological model of the onset of psychosis." Early Intervention in Psychiatry 18(2), 2024,153-164. 


Parnas J, Yttri JE, Urfer-Parnas A.: "Phenomenology of auditory verbal hallucination in schizophrenia: An erroneous perception or something else?" Schizophrenia Research 265, 2024, 83-88. 


Overgaard, S. Perceptual Occlusion and the Differentiation Condition”. Synthese 203 (2024): article 128.


Quesque, F., Apperly, I., Baillargeon, R., Baron-Cohen, S., Becchio, C., Bekkering, H., Bernstein, D., Bertoux, M., Bird, G., Bukowski, H., Burgmer, P., Carruthers, P., Catmur, C., Dziobek, I., Epley, N., Erle, T.M., Frith, C., Frith, U., Galang, C.M., Gallese, V., Grynberg, D., Happé, F., Hirai, M.,, Hodges, S.D., Kanske, P., Kret, M., Lamm, C., Nandrino, J.L., Obhi, S., Olderbak, S., Perner, J., Rosetti, Y., Schneider, D., Schurz, M., Schuwerk, T., Sebanz, N., Shamay-Tsoory, S., Silani, G., Spaulding, S., Todd, A.R., Westra, E., Zahavi, D., Brass, M.: "Defining key concepts for mental state attribution." Communications Psychology 2, 2024, 29.


Lo Presti, P.U.E.: "Between doing and saying 'We' - On analytic pragmatism and the progressive development of plural self-expression." Contemporary Pragmatism 21, 2024, 120-153.


Capelos, T., Salmela, M., Talalakina, A., & Cotena, O.: "Ressentiment in the Manosphere: Conceptions of Morality and Avenues for Resistance in the Incel Hatred Pipeline." Philosophies 2024, 9(36).


Salmela, M., Vienni-Baptista, B., & Cheas, K.: "Tieteidenväliset ja transtieteiset tutkijat: tieteen rikkaruohoja vai sen queerejä edelläkävijöitä?" [“Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary researchers: ill weed of science or its queer pioneers?”] Tiedepolitiikka, 1/2024, 7-20.


Zahavi, D., Zelinsky, D.: "Experience, subjectivity, selfhood: Beyond a Meadian Sociology of the Self." Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 54/1, 2024, 36-51.


Bruineberg, J., Stone, O.: "Structuring embodied minds: attention and perceptual agency." Philosophical Studies 181, 2024, 461-684.


Zahavi, D.:Conștiința de sine și alteritatea. O investigație fenomenologică. Ratio et Revelatio 2024 (404 p.).


Zahavi, D.: "Den tidlige franske fænomenologi: Sartre, Merleau-Ponty og deres læsning af Husserl." In É. Bouvard & T. Lederballe Pedersen (eds.): Alberto Giacometti - Hvad Øjet Ser(pp. 170-183). Statens Museum for Kunst & Fondation Giacometti, 2024.


Zahavi, D.: "Early French phenomenology: Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and their readings of Husserl." In É. Bouvard & T. Lederballe Pedersen (eds.): Alberto Giacometti - What Meets the Eye (pp. 170-183). Statens Museum for Kunst & Fondation Giacometti, 2024.