558. Printzlau, G. A.: Trust and Ethical Selfhood. Faculty of Theology, Copenhagen, 2011. (p. 204).
557. Parnas, J., Møller, P., Kircher, T., Thalbitzer, J., Jansson, L., Handest, P.,  Zahavi, D.: "EASE: Examen de Anomalías Subjetivas de la Experiencia (desórdenes del self)." Gaceta de Psiquiatría Universitaria 7/4, 2011, 439-467.
556. Grünbaum, T. & Raballo, A.: “Brain Imaging and Psychiatric Classification.” Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology 18/4, 2011, 305-310.
555. Welz, C.: "Puzzles of Self-Deception and Problems of Orientation: Kierkegaard and the Current Debate in the Philosophy of Psychology." Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 2011, 157-180.
554. Varga, S.: Authenticity as an Ethical Ideal. New York: Routledge, 2011. (198 p.)
553. Martiny, K. M.: "Book Review: Lawrence Shapiro's Embodied Cognition." Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10/2, 2011, 297-305.
552. Gangopadhyay, N.: "Review of Simulating Minds: The Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience of Mindreading by Alvin I. Goldman." British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62, 2011, 437-441.
551. Grøn, A. & Brudholm, T.: "'Nachdenken.'" In M. Zolkos (ed.): On Jean Améry: Philosophy of Catastrophe. Lanham, Maryland / Plymouth, UK: Lexington Books, 2011, 193-215.
550. Zahavi, D.: Husserlova fenomenologija. Zagreb: AGM, 2011. (256 pp.).
549. Zahavi, D.: "Złożona jaźń: Perspektywy empiryczne i teoretyczne." Avant: The Journal of the Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard 2, T/2011, 59-75.
548. Zahavi, D.: "Fenomenologia a projekt naturalizacji." Avant: The Journal of the Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard 2, T/2011, 41-57.
547. Gallagher, S., Zahavi, D.: Genshôgakutekina kokoro: Kokoro no tetsugaku to ninchikagaku nyûmon. Tokyo: Keiso Shobo, 2011. (388 pp.).
546. Grøn, A.: "Religion und Subjektivität - in existenzieller und pragmatischer Perspektive." In H. Schulz (ed.): Instinkt, Redlichkeit, Glaube. Zum Verhältnis von Subjektivität und Religion. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Otto Lembeck, 2011, 89-107.
545. Brudholm, T. & Grøn, A.: "Picturing Forgiveness after Atrocity." Studies in Christian Ethics 24/2, 2011, 159-170.
544. Grøn, A.: "Krop og selv - om inkarneret fejlbarlighed." In K. B. Nielsen & J. S. Teglbjærg (eds.): Kroppens teologi - teologiens krop. Copenhagen: Forlaget Anis, 2011, 63-93.
543. Grøn, A.: "Das Bild und das Heilige." In Ph. Stoellger & T. Klie (eds.): Präsenz im Entzug. Ambivalenzen des Bildes. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011, 431-444.
542. Grøn, A.: "Subjectivity, Passion and Passivity." In I. U. Dalferth & M. Rodgers (eds.): Passion and Passivity. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011, 143-155.
541. Raballo, A. & Krueger, J.: "Phenomenology of the social self in the prodrome of psychosis: From perceived negative attitude of others to heightened interpersonal sensitivity". European Psychiatry 26/8, 2011, 532-533.
540. Parnas, J.: "A Disappearing Heritage: The Clinical core of Schizophrenia." Schizophrenia Bulletin 37/6, 2011, 1121-1130.
539. Welz, C.: "Menneskets u-synlighed: Krop, gudbilledlighed og kristomorfi." In K. Busch Nielsen & J. Stubbe Teglbjærg (eds.), Kroppens teologi - teologiens krop. Copenhagen: Anis, 2011, 95-117.
538. Welz, C.: "Fortidens fremtid: erindring, glemsel og personlig identitet." Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 3, 2011, 178-195.
537. Welz, C.: "Das Gewissen als Instanz der Selbsterschließung: Luther, Kierkegaard und Heidegger." Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie 53/3, 2011, 265-284.
536. Cai, W.: Reflection as a Form of Human Life. Faculty of Humanities. Copenhagen, 2011. (p. 212).
535. Zahavi, D.: "Empathy and Direct Social Perception: A Phenomenological Proposal." Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2/3, 2011, 541-558.
534. Overgaard, M. & Grünbaum, T.: "Consciousness and modality: On the possible preserved visual consciousness in blindsight subjects." Consciousness and Cognition 20, 2011, 1855-1859.
533. Zahavi, D.: "Der Sinn der Phänomenologie: Eine methodologische Reflexion." In H.-D. Gondek, T. N. Klass & L. Tengelyi (eds.): Phänomenologie der Sinnereignisse. Wilhelm Fink: München, 2011, 101-119.
532. Overgaard, S.: "Analytic Philosophy." In S. Luft & S. Overgaard (eds.): The Routledge Companion to Phenomenology. Routledge: London, 2011, 563-573.
531. Zahavi, D.: "Intersubjectivity." In S. Luft & S. Overgaard (eds.): The Routledge Companion to Phenomenology. Routledge: London, 2011, 180-189.
530. Luft, S., Overgaard, S.: "Introduction." In S. Luft & S. Overgaard (eds.): The Routledge Companion to Phenomenology. Routledge: London, 2011, 1-14.
529. Luft, S., Overgaard, S.:  The Routledge Companion to Phenomenology. Routledge: London, 2011. (xxiii + 720 p.)
528. Parnas, J., Raballo, A., Handest, P., Jansson, L., Vollmer-Larsen, A., Sæbye, D.: "Self-experience in the early phases of schizophenia: 5-year follow-up of the Copenhagen Prodromal Study." World Psychiatry 10, 2011, 200-204.
527. Arnfred, S.M., Mørup, M., Thalbitzer, J., Jansson, L., Parnas, J.: "Attenuation of beta and gamma oscillations in schizophrenia spectrum patients following hand posture perturbation." Psychiatry Research 185/1-2, 2011, 215-224.
526. Møller, P., Haug, E., Raballo, A., Parnas, J., Melle, I.: "Examination of Anomalous Self-Experience in First-Episode Psychosis: Interrater Reliability." Psychopathology 44/6, 2011, 386-390.
525. Raballo, A., Parnas, J.: "The silent side of the spectrum: Schizotypy and the schizotaxic self." Schizophrenia Bulletin 37/5, 2011, 1017-1026.
524. Welz, C.: "Shame and the Hiding Self." Passions in Context 2, 2011. http://www.passionsincontext.de/index.php?id=774.
523. Welz, C.: "A Wandering Dog as the 'Last Kantian in Nazi Germany': Revisiting the Debate on Levinas's Supposed Antinaturalistic Humanism." Levinas Studies 6, 2011, 65-88.
522. Gangopadhyay, N.: "The extended mind: born to be wild? A lesson from action-understanding." Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10/3, 2011, 377-397.
521. Krueger, J.: "Extended Cognition and the Space of Social Interaction". Consciousness and Cognition 20, 2011, 643-657.
520. Raballo, A.: Self-Disorders as Schizophrenia Spectrum Vulnerability Phenotypes.  Faculty of Health Sciences, Copenhagen, 2011. (113 p.).
519. Gersel, J.: Realism and Rationality. Faculty of Humanities, Copenhagen. 2011. (282 p.).
518. Zahavi, D.: La Fenomenologia di Husserl. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2011. (p. 214).
517. Parnas, J., Sass, L., Zahavi, D.:  "Phenomenology and Psychopathology." Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 18/1, 2011, 37-39.
516. Sass, L., Parnas, J., Zahavi, D.: "Phenomenological Psychopathology and Schizophrenia: Contemporary Approaches and Misunderstandings." Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 18/1, 2011, 1-23.
515. Welz, C.: "Imago Dei - Bild des Unsichtbaren." Theologische Literaturzeitung 136/5, 2011, 479-490.
514. Welz, C.: "Imago Dei - References to the Invisible." Studia Theologica 65/1, 2011, 74-91.
513. Welz, C.: "Franz Rosenzweig: A Kindred Spirit in Alignment with Kierkegaard." In J. Stewart (ed.): Kierkegaard and Existentialism. Burlington: Ashgate, 2011, 299-321.
512. Raballo, A., Larøi, F.: "Murmurs of thought: Phenomenology of hallucinatory consciousness in impending psychosis." Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches 3/2, 2011, 163-166.
511. Zahavi, D.: "Mutual enlightenment and transcendental thought." Journal of Consciousness Studies 18/5-6, 2011, 169-175.
510. Varga, S.: "Habermas' 'Species Ethics', and the Limits of 'Formal Anthropology'." Critical Horizons: A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory 12/1, 2011, 71-89.
509. Grünbaum, T.: "Perception and non-inferential knowledge of action." Philosophical Explorations 14/2, 2011, 153-167.
508. Rochat, Ph., Zahavi, D.: "The uncanny mirror: A re-framing of mirror self-experience." Consciousness and Cognition 20, 2011, 204-213.
507. Welz, C.: "Vertrauen und (Fehl-)Urteil: Alles glauben, um das Gute nicht zu übersehen?" In S. Lehmann & S. Loidolt (eds.), Urteil und Fehlurteil. Wien/Berlin: Verlag Turia, 2011, 115-129.
506. Welz, C.: "Review of: Patrick Sheil: Kierkegaard and Levinas. The Subjunctive Mood." Theologische Literaturzeitung 136/3, 2011, 131-133.
505. Raballo, A., Nelson, B., Thompson, A., Yung, A.: "The Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States: From mapping the onset to mapping the structure." Schizophrenia Research 127, 2011, 107-14.
504. Raballo, A.: "Subjective experiences and psychopathology of schizophrenia: Phenomenology lost in translation." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 45, 2011, 261-2.
503 Krueger, J.: "Enacting musical content." In R. Manzotti (ed.): Situated Aesthetics: Art Beyond the Skin. Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2011, 63-85.
502. Overgaard, S.: "Disjunctivism and the Urgency of Scepticism." Philosophical Explorations 14/1, 2011, 5-21.
501. Varga, S.: "Existential choices: to what degree is who we are a matter of choice?" Continental Philosophy Review 44, 2011, 65-79.
500. Zahavi, D.: Husserls Fænomenologi. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur, 2011. (p. 252).
499. Parnas, J., Sass, L.A.: "The structure of self-consciousness in Schizophrenia."  In S. Gallagher (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of the Self. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 521-546.
498. Zahavi, D.: "Comment examiner la subjectivité?" In S.-J. Arrien & S. Camilleri (eds.): Le jeune Heidegger: 1909-1926. Paris: Vrin, 2011, 95-118.
497. Zahavi, D.: "Objects and Levels: Reflections on the Relation between Time-Consciousness and Self-Consciousness." Husserl Studies 27, 2011, 13-25.
496. Grøn, A.: "Homo subiectus. Zur zweideutigen Subjektivität des Menschen." In I. U. Dalferth & A. Hunziker (eds.): Seinkönnen. Der Mensch zwischen Möglichkeit und Wirklichkeit. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011, 19-33.
495. Raballo, A., Sæbye, D., Parnas, J.: "Looking at the schizophrenia spectrum through the prism of self-disorders: An empirical study." Schizophrenia Bulletin 37/2, 2011, 344-351.
494. Zahavi, D. & Roepstorff, A.: "Faces and ascriptions: Mapping measures of the self." Consciousness and Cognition 20, 2011, 141-148.
493. Zahavi, D.: "Unity of consciousness and the problem of self." In S. Gallagher (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of the Self. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 316-335.
492. Overgaard, S.: "Movement is our mother tongue: Review of Maxine Sheets-Johnstone The Corporeal Turn: An interdisciplinary reader." Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences 10, 2011, 139-143.
491. Krueger, J.W.: "Doing things with music." Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences 10, 2011, 1-22.
490. Varga, S.: "Defining Mental Disorder. Exploring the ‘Natural Functions' Approach." Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 6, 2011.
489. Varga, S.: "Pretence, Social Cognition and Self-Knowledge in Autism." Psychopathology 44, 2011, 45-52.
488. Varga, S.: "Self-Realization and Owing to Others. A Morality Constrain?" International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19, 2011, 71-82.
487. Welz, C.: "Samvittighed og menneskets u-synlighed." TEOL-information 43, 2011, 6-9.
486. Zahavi, D.: "Varieties of reflection." Journal of Consciousness Studies 18/2, 2011, 9-19.
485. Welz, C.: "The Self as Site of Conflicts: Guilt, Recognition, and Reconciliation." In Dalferth, I.U., Schulz, H. (eds.): Religion und Konfikt: Grundlagen und Fallanalysen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, 137-164.
484. Zahavi, D.: "The Experiential Self: Objections and Clarifications." In Siderits, M., Thompson, E., Zahavi, D. (eds.): Self, No Self? Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, & Indian Traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 56-78.
483. Krueger, J.: "The Who and the How of Experience." In Siderits, M., Thompson, E., Zahavi, D. (eds.): Self, No Self? Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, & Indian Traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 27-55.
482. Siderits, M., Thompson, E., Zahavi, D.: "Introduction." In Siderits, M., Thompson, E., Zahavi, D. (eds.): Self, No Self? Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, & Indian Traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 1-26.
481. Siderits, M., Thompson, E., Zahavi, D. (eds.): Self, No Self? Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, & Indian Traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. (337 p.)