717. Nordgaard, J., Parnas, J.: “Self-disorders and the schizophrenia spectrum: a study of 100 first hospital admissions“. Schizophrenia Bulletin 40(6), 2014, 1300-7.
716. Motobayashi, Y.: “香港・現象学国際セミナーからデンマーク・主観性研究センターへ” (Visiting Research Report: SPA to CFS). Annual Review of the Phenomenological Association of Japan 30, 2014, 185-187.
715. Taipale, J.: “Similarity and asymmetry. Husserl and the transcendental foundations of empathy”. Phänomenologische Forschungen, 2014, 141-154.
714. Luo, Z.: “胡塞尔论同情的意向结构”,载《哲学分析》, 2014, 卷6:20-33.
713. Høffding, S.: “スキルトなったコ-ピングとは?” (”What is skilled Coping?). Annual Review of the Phenomenological Association of Japan 30, 2014, 49-66.
712. Overgaard, S., Gilbert, P. and Burwood, S.: 메타철학이란 무엇인가?, South Korea: T&H Press, 2014.
711. Grøn, A.: ”Selvforståelse og selvfremmedgørelse.” TeolInformation 50, 2014, 17-20.
710. Grøn, A.: “Phenomenology of Despair – Phenomenology of Spirit.” In A. Hutter & A. Moe Rasmussen (eds.): Kierkegaard im Kontext des deutschen Idealismus. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2014, 241-257.
709. Grøn, A.: „Paradox des Denkens – paradoxes Denken.“ In I.U. Dalferth & A. Hunziker (eds.): Gott denken – ohne Metaphysik? Zu einer aktuellen Kontroverse in Theologie und Philosophie. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014, 79-94.
708. Grøn, A.: „Erinnerung und Nachdenken.“ In B. Fetz, M. Hansel & G. Langer: Elazar Benyoëtz. Korrespondenzen. Profile. Magazin des Literaturarchivs der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Wien: Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 2014, 229-243.
707. Grøn, A.: „Natur og Transcendens.“ In U. Andkjær Olsen & E. Friis (eds.): Kritik 211, 2014, 111-119.
706. Ishihara, Y.: "西田幾多郎とエミール・ラスク [Nishida Kitaro and Emil Lask]." Nishida tetsugakukai nenpou [Annual review of the Nishida Philosophy Association], 11, 2014, 76-91.
705. Zahavi, D.: "Empatia e rispecchiamento: un altro sguardo a Husserl." In S. Borutti, L. Fonnesu & L. Vanzago (eds.): Intersoggettività. Mimesis: Milano, 2014, 47-68.
704. Salice, A., Tummolini, L. (eds.): Social Facts: Metaphysical and Empirical Perspectives. Special Issue of Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences 13/1, 2014.
703. Salice, A.: "Violence as a social fact." Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13/1, 2014, 161-177.
702. Salice, A., Tummolini, L. "Introduction." Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences 13/1, 2014, 1-5.
701. Salice, A., Uemura, G.: "Naturalizzare la fenomenologia senza naturalismo." Philosophy Kitchen 1/1, 2014, 212-225.
700. Satne, G.: "Review of Hutto, D. and Myin, E., Radicalizing Enactivism. Basic Minds without Content, MIT Press, 2012." The Philosophical Quarterly 64/254, 2014, 202-204.
699. Satne, G.: "Brandom and McDowell: Hermeneutics and Normativity.” In Malpas, J. & Gander, H.-H. (eds): The Routledge Handbook to Hermeneutics. Routledge, 2014, 236-247.
698. Satne, G.: "Interaction and Self-correction.” Frontiers in Psychology 5:798. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00798
697. Henriksen, M.G., Parnas, J.: "Disturbance of the Experience of Self: A Phenomenologically-Based Approach”. In Waters, F., Staphane, M. (eds). The Assessment of Psychosis: A Reference Book and Rating Scales for Research and Practice. Routledge: New York, 2014, 235-244.
696. Henriksen, M.G., Parnas, J.: "Ein klinischer und empirischer Blick auf Selbstsein und Verkörperung in der Schizophrenie”. In Breyer, T., Fuchs, T., Micali, S., Wandruszka, B. (eds). Das leidende Subjekt. Phänomenologie als Wissenschaft der Psyche. Karl Alber: Freiburg/München, 2014, 188-203.
695. Henriksen, M.G., Nordgaard, J.: "Schizophrenia as a disorder of the self." Journal of Psychopathology 20, 2014, 435-441.
694. Montes Sánchez, A.: “Intersubjectivity and interaction as crucial for understanding the moral role of shame: a critique of TOSCA-based shame research.” Frontiers in Psychology 5:814. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00814
693. Zahavi, D.: Self and Other: Exploring Subjectivity, Empathy, and Shame. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. (xiv + 280 p.)
692. Montes Sánchez, A.: Self-consciousness, caring, relationality: An investigation into the experience of shame and its ethical role. Departamento de Humanidades: Filosofia, Lenguaje y Literatura, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2014. (p. 194).
691. Luo, Z.: Husserl and the problem of empathy. Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, 2014. (p. 234).
690. Zahavi, D.: "Il tempo del sé." Paradigmi: Rivista di critica filosofica 2, 2014, 31-48.
689. Parnas, J., Henriksen, M.G.: "Disordered self in the schizophrenia spectrum: A clinical and research perspective." Harvard Review of Psychiatry 22/5, 2014, 251-65.
688. Parnas, J., Bovet, P.: "Psychiatry made easy: Operation(al)ism and some of its consequences." In Kendler, K.S., Parnas, S. (eds.): Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry III: The Nature and Sources of Historical Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, 190-212.
687. Parnas, J.: "Decline of psychoanalysis to the advantage of what?" In Kendler, K.S., Parnas, S. (eds.): Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry III: The Nature and Sources of Historical Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, 180-183.
686. Kendler, K.S., Parnas, J. (eds.): Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry III: The Nature and Sources of Historical Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. (380 p.)
685. Rochat, P., Zahavi, D.: "Der unheimliche Spiegel." Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 62/5, 2014, 913-936.
684. Høffding, S.: ”What is Skilled Coping? Experts on Expertise.” Journal of Consciousness Studies 21/9-10, 2014, 49–73.
683. Zahavi, D.: "Yönelimsellik ve Bilinç." Kaygı: Uludag University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Philosophy 22, 2014, 167-182.
682. Henriksen, M.G., Zandersen, M.: "Review of Fuchs, T., Micali, S., Wandruszka, B. (Hrsg.). Karl Jaspers – Phänomenologie und Psychopathologie. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, 2013". Theologische Literaturzeitung 139, 2014, 916-918.
681. Nelson, B., Parnas, J., Sass, L.A.: "Disturbance of minimal self (ipseity) in schizophrenia: Clarification and current status." Schizophrenia Bulletin 40/3, 2014, 479-482.
680. Taipale, J.: “The Bodily Feeling of Existence in Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis”. In S. Heinämaa, M. Hartimo, and T. Miettinen (eds.): Phenomenology and the Transcendental. New York: Routledge, 2014, 218-234.
679. Zahavi, D. & Simionescu-Panait, A.: "Contemporary Phenomenology at Its Best: Interview With Professor Dan Zahavi. Europe's Journal of Psychology 10/2, 2014, 215-220.
678. Zahavi, D.: "Edmund Husserl." Oxford Bibliographies Online: Philosophy. http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195396577/obo-9780195396577-0210.xml
677. Zahavi, D.: "Scham als soziales Gefühl." Phänomenologische Forschungen, Jahrgang 2013. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 2014, 319-337.
676. Szanto, T.: "Review of Eric Chelstrom: Social Phenomenology: Husserl, Intersubjectivity, and Collective Intentionality." International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22/2, 2014, 296-301
675. Henriksen, M.G.: “Selvforstyrrelser og vrangforestillinger ved skizofreni." Best Practice - Psykiatri/Neurologi 25, 2014, 48-51.
674. Henriksen, M.G., Parnas, J.: “Self-disorders and schizophrenia: A phenomenological reappraisal of poor insight and noncompliance”. Schizophrenia Bulletin 40/3, 2014, 542-547.
673. Szanto, T.: "How to Share a Mind: Reconsidering the Group Mind Thesis." Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13/1, 2014, 99-120.
672. Szanto, T.: "Review of Verena Mayer, Christopher Erhard, Marisa Scherini (Eds.): Die Aktualität Husserls." Husserl Studies 30/1, 2014, 77-88.
671. Zahavi, D.: "Fænomenologi". In F. Collin & S. Køppe (eds.): Humanistisk Videnskabsteori. København: Lindhardt & Ringhof, 2014, 187-222.
670. Gallagher, S., Zahavi, D.: "Primal Impression and Enactive Perception." In V. Arstila & D. Lloyd (eds.): Subjective Time: The Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience of Temporality. Cambridge, MA.: The MIT Press, 2014, 83-99.
669. Michael, V., Sandberg, K., Skewes, J., Wolf, T., Blicher, J., Overgaard, M., Frith, C.: "Continuous theta burst demonstrates a causal role of premotor homunculus  in action interpretation." Psychological Science 25, 2014, 963-972.
668. Michael, J., Christensen, W., Overgaard, S.: "Mindreading as social expertise." Synthese 191, 2014, 817–840.
667. Zahavi, D.: "Subjecthood and Objecthood [in Dutch]." In D. Waal (ed.): De Dingen de baas: Wijsgerig Festival DRIFT 2013. Amsterdam, 2014, 9-23.
666. Michael, J.: "Towards a Consensus About the Role of Empathy in Interpersonal Understanding." Topoi 33/1, 2014, 157-172.
665. Zahavi, D.: "Empathy and Other-Directed Intentionality." Topoi 33/1, 2014, 129-142.
664. Michael, J. & Fardo, F.: "What (if anything) is shared in pain empathy? A critical discussion of De Vignemont and Jacob’s (2012) theory of the neural substrate of pain empathy." Philosophy of Science 81, 2014, 154–160.
663. Taipale, J.: Phenomenology and Embodiment: Husserl and the Constitution of Subjectivity. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2014. (243 pp.).
662. Parnas, J.: "The RDoC program: psychiatry without psyche?" World Psychiatry 13/1, 2014, 46-47.
661. Zahavi, D., Overgaard, S.: "Fænomenologisk Sociologi - Hverdagslivets subjekt." In M.H. Jacobsen & S. Kristiansen (eds.): Hverdagslivet - sociologier om det upåagtede. 2. udgave. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2014, 169-198.
660. Overgaard, S.  “McNeill on Embodied Perception Theory”. The Philosophical Quarterly 64, 2014, 135-143.