83. Zahavi, D.: "Intentionality and Phenomenality: A Phenomenological Take on the Hard Problem". In E. Thompson (ed.): The Problem of Consciousness: New Essays in Phenomenological Philosophy of Mind. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 29, 2003, 63-92.
82. Grøn, A.: "Truth, theories of". In J. Wentzel Vrede van Huyssteen (editor in chief): Encyclopedia of Science and Religion, vol. 1. MacMillan, New York, 2003, 901-904.
81 Grøn, A.: "Idealism". In J. Wentzel Vrede van Huyssteen (editor in chief): Encyclopedia of Science and Religion, vol. 1. MacMillan, New York, 2003, 445-446.
80. Zahavi, D.: "Loji Yanjiu zhong de xingershangxue zhonglixoing" Zhongguo Xiangxiangxue yu Zhexuepinglun - Teji: Xianxiangxue zai Zhongguo, Shanghai, 2003, 140 -163.
79. Quist, W.M.: "Eksistens som udøvelse - Heideggers læsning af Paulus' breve til thessalonikerne". In Zahavi, D., Overgaard, S. & Schwarz Wentzer, T. (eds.): Den unge Heidegger. Akademisk Forlag, København, 2003, 181-200.
78. Overgaard, S.: "Heidegger og den fænomenologiske epoché". In Zahavi, D., Overgaard, S. & Schwarz Wentzer, T. (eds.): Den unge Heidegger. Akademisk Forlag, København, 2003, 201-224.
77. Zahavi, D.: "Refleksiv fænomenologi vs. hermeneutisk fænomenologi". In Zahavi, D., Overgaard, S. & Schwarz Wentzer, T. (eds.): Den unge Heidegger. Akademisk Forlag, København, 2003, 63-88.
76. Overgaard, S., Schwarz Wentzer, T. & Zahavi, D.: "Veje - ikke værker: Den unge Heideggers skrifter". In Zahavi, D., Overgaard, S. & Schwarz Wentzer, T. (eds.): Den unge Heidegger. Akademisk Forlag, København, 2003, 9-29.
75. Zahavi, D., Overgaard, S. & Schwarz Wentzer, T. (eds.): Den unge Heidegger. Akademisk Forlag, København, 2003. (229 p.)
74. Grünbaum, T.: "Naturalisering, handling og bevidsthed". Semikolon 3/7, 2003, 63-80.
73. Overgaard, S.: "On Levinas' Critique of Husserl". In D. Zahavi, S. Heinämaa, H. Ruin (eds.): Metaphysics, Facticity, Interpretation. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2003, 115-138.
72. Zahavi, D.: "Phenomenology and metaphysics". In D. Zahavi, S. Heinämaa, H. Ruin (eds.): Metaphysics, Facticity, Interpretation. Phenomenology in the Nordic Countries. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston, 2003, 3-22.
71. Heinämaa, S., Ruin, H. & Zahavi, D.: "Phenomenology in the Nordic Countries: An Introduction". In D. Zahavi, S. Heinämaa, H. Ruin (eds.): Metaphysics, Facticity, Interpretation. Phenomenology in the Nordic Countries. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston, 2003, ix-xiv.
70. Zahavi, D., Heinämaa, S. & Ruin, H. (eds.): Metaphysics, Facticity, Interpretation. Phenomenology in the Nordic Countries . Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston, 2003. (248 pp.).
69. Zahavi, D.: "Metafyzická neutralita v Logických zkoumáních". In I. Blecha (ed.): Fenomenologie v Pohybu. Vydala Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Olomouc 2003, 149-163.
68. Strawson, G.: "What is the relation between an experience, the subject of the experience, and the content of the experience?" Philosophical Issues 13, 2003, 279-315.
67. Sass, L.A., Parnas, J.: "Schizophrenia, consciousness, and the self". Schizophrenia Bulletin 29/3, 2003, 427-444.
66. Zahavi, D.: "Mind, Meaning, and Metaphysics". Continental Philosophy Review 36/3, 2003, 325-334.
65. Zahavi, D.: Husserl No Genshogaku. Koyo Shobo, Kyoto, 2003. (261 pp.)
64. Grøn, A.: "At forestille sig. Fantasi og subjektivitet i religionsfilosofisk perspektiv". In D. Zahavi & G. Christensen (eds.): Subjektivitet og Videnskab: Bevidsthedsforskning i det 21. århundrede. Roskilde Universitetsforlag, Frederiksberg, 2003, 237-257.
63. Zahavi, D.: "Førsproglig selvbevidsthed". In D. Zahavi & G. Christensen (eds.): Subjektivitet og Videnskab: Bevidsthedsforskning i det 21. århundrede. Roskilde Universitetsforlag, Frederiksberg, 2003, 113-142.
62. Parnas, J.: "Forståelse, forklaring og psykotisk selvbevidsthed". In D. Zahavi & G. Christensen (eds.): Subjektivitet og Videnskab: Bevidsthedsforskning i det 21. århundrede. Roskilde Universitetsforlag, Frederiksberg, 2003, 65-88.
61. Christensen, G., Zahavi, D.: "Subjektivitet og Naturalisering: En Introduktion". In D. Zahavi & G. Christensen (eds.): Subjektivitet og Videnskab: Bevidsthedsforskning i det 21. århundrede. Roskilde Universitetsforlag, Frederiksberg, 2003, 5-12.
60. Zahavi, D., Christensen, G. (eds.): Subjektivitet og Videnskab: Bevidsthedsforskning i det 21. århundrede. Roskilde Universitetsforlag, Frederiksberg, 2003.  (267pp).
59. Overgaard, S.: "The Importance of Bodily Movement to Husserl's Theory of Fremderfahrung". Recherches husserliennes 19, 2003, 55-65.
58. Zahavi, D., Parnas, J.: "Conceptual Problems in Infantile Autism Research: Why Cognitive Science Needs Phenomenology," in A. Jack & A. Roepstorff (eds.): Trusting the Subject? Imprint Academic, Exeter, 2003, 53-71.
57. Grøn, A.: "Mediated Immediacy? The Problem of a Second Immediacy", in P. Cruysberghs, J. Taels & K. Verstrynge (eds.): Immediacy and Reflection in Kierkegaard's Thought. Louvain Philosophical Studies 17. Leuven University Press, 2003, 87-95.
56. Zahavi, D.: "How to investigate subjectivity: Heidegger and Natorp on reflection". Continental Philosophy Review 36/2, 2003, 155-176.
55. Zahavi, D., Parnas, J.: "Conceptual Problems in Infantile Autism Research: Why Cognitive Science Needs Phenomenology". Journal of Consciousness Studies 10/9, 2003, 53-71.
54. Grünbaum, T.: "Fortælling og indlevelse - En teori om synligheden i det litterære værk". Kritik 164, 2003, 59-69.
53. Parnas, J.: "Self and Schizophrenia: A Phenomenological Perspective". In T. Kircher & A. David (eds.): The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry. Cambridge University Press, 2003, 217-241.
52. Zahavi, D.: "Phenomenology of Self". In T. Kircher & A. David (eds.): The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry. Cambridge University Press, 2003, 56-75.
51. Zahavi, D.: "Husserl's Intersubjective Transformation of Transcendental Philosophy". In D. Welton (ed.): The New Husserl: A Critical Reader. Indiana University Press, 2003, 233-254.
50. Zahavi, D.: "Inner Time-consciousness and Pre-reflective Self-awareness". In D. Welton (ed.): The New Husserl: A Critical Reader. Indiana University Press, 2003, 157-180.
49. Grøn, A.: "Imagination and Subjectivity". Theologische Literaturzeitung 128/7-8, 2003, 717-726.
48. Overgaard, S.: "Heidegger's Early Critique of Husserl". International Journal of Philosophical Studies 11/2, 2003, 157-175.
47. Carter J.W., Schulsinger, F., Parnas, J., Cannon, T., Mednick, S.A.: "A multivariate prediction model of schizophrenia". Schizophrenia Bulletin 28/4, 2003, 649-682.
46. Grünbaum, T.: "Handling, Intention og Krop". Shipping News 2, 2003, 5-25.
45. Zahavi, D.: "Fænomenologi". I F. Collin & S. Køppe (red.): Humanistisk Videnskabsteori. DR Multimedie, 2003, 121-138.
44. Parnas, J., Handest, P., Sæbye, D., Jansson, L.:"Anomalies of subjective experience in schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar illness". Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 118, 2003, 126-133.
43. Parnas, J., Handest, P.: "Phenomenology of anomalous self-experience in early schizophrenia". Comprehensive Psychiatry 44/2, 2003, 121-134.
42. Innocenti, G., Ansermet, F., Parnas, J.: "Schizophrenia, neurodevelopment and corpus callosum". Molecular Psychiatry 8/3, 2003, 261-274.
41. Zahavi, D.: Fænomenologi. Problemer, Positioner og Paradigmer. Samfundslitteratur - Roskilde Universitetsforlag, Frederiksberg, 2003. (111 pp).
40. Zahavi, D.: Husserl's Phenomenology. Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2003. (x + 178 pp).