340. Zahavi, D.: "A Fenomenologia e o Desafio do Naturalismo." Phainomenon 16-17, 2008, 315-334.
339. Varga, S.: "Sub Specie Aeternitatis: An Actualization of Wittgenstein on Ethics and Aesthetics." Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 38, 2008, 35-50.
338. Welz, C.: "Love as Gift and Self-Sacrifice." Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 50, 2008, 238-266.
337. Gallagher, S. & Zahavi, D.: A Fenomenológiai Elme: Bevezetés az elmefilozófiába és a kognitív tudományba. Budapest: Lélekben Otthon, 2008. (246 p.)
336. Pahuus, A., Sønderup, I.: "Den kognitive semantiks sprogsyn" Nydanske Studier 36, 2008, 38-62.
335. Pahuus, A., Krause-Jensen, K.: "En virksomheds identitet i forandring - tillid, anerkendelse og ansvar i PenSam." AU Outreach, 2008.
334. Pahuus, A.: "The Use of Principles in Ethical Situations" In Van Kooten Niekerk, K. & Andersen, S. (eds.): Concern for the other - Perspectives on the Ethics of K.E. Løgstrup, The University of Notre Dame Press, 2008, 130-142.
333. Lysemose, K.: "'Es ist wie ein Trick' - om den gnostiske læsning af Væren og Tid." In T. S. Wentzer & P. Aa. Sørensen (eds.): Heidegger i Relief. Forlaget Klim, 2008, 77-93.
332. Varga, S.: "Expression, Self-Knowledge and Authority. Wittgenstein and Subjectivity." Filosozofia 63/9, 2008, 830-839.
331. Zahavi, D.: Fyrirbærafræði. Reykjavik: Heimspekistofnun 2008. (131 p.).
330. Zahavi, D.: "Phénoménologie et métaphysique." Les études philosophiques 87, 2008, 499-517.
329. Grøn, A.: "Filosofihistorie, filosofi og historie." Filosofiske Studier 24, 2008, 103-115.
328. Zahavi, D.: "Wahrheit und Freiheit bei Spinoza." Filosofiske Studier 24, 2008, 313-329.
327. Parnas, J.: "Begrebet psykose." Ugeskrift for Læger 46, 2008, 3743-3746.
326. Parnas, J.: "Epilogue." In Kendler, K. & Parnas, J. (eds.): Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry: Explanation, Phenomenology, and Nosology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008, 387-396.
325. Parnas, J.: "Psychiatric diagnosis." In Kendler, K. & Parnas, J. (eds.): Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry: Explanation, Phenomenology, and Nosology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008, 383-386.
324. Parnas, J., Sass, L.A.: "Varieties of 'Phenomenology': On Description, Understanding, and Explanation in Psychiatry." In Kendler, K. & Parnas, J. (eds.): Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry: Explanation, Phenomenology, and Nosology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008, 239-277.
323. Kendler, K. & Parnas, J. (eds.): Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry: Explanation, Phenomenology, and Nosology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. (424 p.)
322. Beenfeldt, C.: "Ungrounded Semantics: Searle's Chinese Room Thought Experiment, the Failure of Meta- and Subsystemic Understanding, and Some Thoughts about Thought-Experiments." Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 42, 2008, 75-96.
321. Thybo Jensen, R.: Perception and Action - an Analogical Approach. Det Humanistiske Fakultet, København, 2008.
320. Skodlar, B., Tomori, M., Parnas, J.: "Subjective experience and suicidal ideation in schizophrenia." Comprehensive Psychiatry 49/5, 2008, 482-488.
319. Nordgaard, J., Arnfred, S.M., Handest, P., Parnas, J.: "The diagnostic status of first-rank symptoms." Schizophrenia Bulletin 34/1, 2008, 137-154.
318. Arnfred, S.M., Hansen, L.K., Parnas, J., Mørup, M.: "Regularity increases middle latency evoked and late induced beta brain response following proprioceptive stimulation." Brain Research 1218, 2008, 114-131.
317. Grøn, A.: "Kommunikation. Entre nous." Hermeneutische Blätter 1/2, 2008, 75-86.
316. Grøn, A.: "Comprensione di sé e dialettica della comunicazione." In Ettore Rocca (ed.): Søren Kierkegaard. L'essere umano come rapporto. Brescia: Morcelliana, 2008, 103-118.
315. Welz, C.: "'Ein Zeichen sind wir, deutungslos' - Vom verlorenen Ich zum Gedenken ans Sichverdanken." Hermeneutische Blätter 1/2, 2008, 283-298.
314. Thaning, M.S.: "Fra dyd til dialog - Gadamers kritik af tanken om autentisk forståelse i Væren og Tid." In T. S. Wentzer & P. Aa. Sørensen (eds.): Heidegger i Relief. Forlaget Klim, 2008, 144-163.
313. Krueger, J.W.: "Levinasian Reflections on Somaticity and the Ethical Self." Inquiry 51/6, 2008, 603-626.
312. Krueger, J.W.: "Nishida, Agency, and the Self-Contradictory Body." Asian Philosophy 18/3, 2008, 213-229.
311. Grøn, A.: The Concept of Anxiety in Søren Kierkegaard. Translated by Jeanette B.L. Knox. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press, 2008 (166 pp.).
310. Zahavi, D.: "Bevidsthedsfilosofi." In V. F. Hendricks & S.W. Pedersen (eds.): Et spadestik dybere: Præsentation af 10 filosofiske discipliner. Automatic Press, 2008, 169-193.
309. Zahavi, D.: "Intentionalität und Bewusstsein." In V. Mayer (ed.): Edmund Husserl - Logische Untersuchungen. Akademie Verlag, 2008, 139-157.
308. Raffnsøe, S., Gudmand-Høyer, M. & Thaning, M.S.: Foucault. Samfundslitteratur, 2008. (391 pp.).
307. Welz, C.: "Welche Macht ist mächtiger als Ohnmacht? Mit Levinas auf den Spuren dessen, was sich den Zeichen entzieht." In Ph. Stoellger (ed.), Sprachen der Macht. Gesten der Er- und Entmächtigung in Text und Interpretation. Königshausen & Neumann, 2008, 165-185.
306. Parnas, J., Sass, L.A., Zahavi, D.: "Recent developments in philosophy of psychopathology." Current Opinion in Psychiatry 21, 2008, 578-584.
305. Zahavi, D.: "Fenomenologia ja kognitiotiede: mahdollisuuksia ja vaaroja." Ajatus 64, 2008, 241-259.
304. Zahavi, D.: "Husserl et la transformation intersubjective de la philosophie transcendentale." In J. Benoist (ed.): Husserl. Les éditions du Cerf, 2008, 249-279.
303. Krueger, J.W.: "Ethical Education as Bodily Training: Kitarō Nishida's Moral Phenomenology of 'Acting-Intuition'." In R. T. Ames & P. D. Hershock (eds.): Educations and their Purposes: A Conversation Among Cultures.  University of Hawaii Press, 2008, 315-334.
302. Krueger, J.W.: "A Daoist Critique of Searle on Mind and Action." In B. Mou (ed.): Searle's Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement. Brill Academic Publishers, 2008, 97-123.
301. Zahavi, D. & Gallagher, S.: "The (in)visibility of others: a reply to Herschbach." Philosophical Explorations 11/3, 2008, 237-244.
300. Grøn, A.: "Religion and (In)humanity". Florida Philosophical Review VIII/1, 2008, 1-12.
299. Henriksen, M. G.: "Tænkningen er atter blevet levende." Slagmark 51, 2008, 140-147.
298. Grøn, A.: Vrijheid en angst. Inleiding in het denken van Søren Kierkegaard. Translated by Frits Florin. Budel: Damon, 2008. (152 pp.)
297. Grøn, A.: "Subjektivitet, spontanitet, suverænitet." In K. van Kooten Niekerk & U. Nissen (eds.): Lidenskab og stringens. Festskrift til Svend Andersen. Frederiksberg: Anis, 2008, 65-79.
296. Grøn, A.: "Subjectivity, Interiority and Exteriority: Kierkegaard and Levinas." In C. Welz & K. Verstrynge (eds.), Despite Oneself. Subjectivity and Its Secret in Kierkegaard and Levinas. London: Turnshare, 2008, 11-30.
295. Grøn, A.: "Søren Aabye Kierkegaard." In K. Michelsen, S. Harnow Klausen and G. Posselt (eds.), Filosofisk leksikon. Den vestlige verdens erkendelsesteori, metafysik, etik, logik, videnskabsteori og samfundstænkning. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 2008, 244-245.
294. Grøn, A.: "Det onde." In K. Michelsen, S. Harnow Klausen and G. Posselt (eds.), Filosofisk leksikon. Den vestlige verdens erkendelsesteori, metafysik, etik, logik, videnskabsteori og samfundstænkning. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 2008, 350-351.
293. Beenfeldt, C.: "A philosophical Critique of Heterophenomenology." Journal of Consciousness Studies 15/8, 2008, 5-34.
292. Beenfeldt, C.: "A wake up call - or more sweet slumber? A review of Daniel Dennett's Sweet Dreams: Philosophical obstacles to a science of consciousness". Think 19/7, 2008, 85-92.
291. Welz, C.: "Keeping the Secret of Subjectivity: Kierkegaard and Levinas on Conscience, Love, and the Limits of Self-Understanding." In C. Welz & K. Verstrynge (eds.), Despite Oneself. Subjectivity and its Secret in Kierkegaard and Levinas. London: Turnshare, 2008, 153-225.
290. Welz, C.: "Preface." In C. Welz & K. Verstrynge (eds.), Despite Oneself. Subjectivity and its Secret in Kierkegaard and Levinas. London: Turnshare, 2008, v-x.
289. Welz, C. & Verstrynge, K. (eds.), Despite Oneself. Subjectivity and its Secret in Kierkegaard and Levinas. London: Turnshare, 2008. (243 p.)
288. Welz, C.: "Review of Edward Mooney, On Søren Kierkegaard: Dialogue, Polemics, Lost Intimacy, and Time." In Ars Disputandi. The Online Journal for Philosophy of Religion [https://www.ArsDisputandi.org] 8, 2008, 156-161.
287. Overgaard, S.: "How to Analyze Immediate Experience: Hintikka, Husserl, and the Idea of Phenomenology." Metaphilosophy 39, 2008, 282-304.
286. Zahavi, D.: "La perception de la durée présuppose-t-elle ou non la durée de la perception? Husserl et Dainton sur le temps." In J. Benoist (ed.): La conscience du temps. Autour des Leçons sur le temps de Husserl. Paris: J. Vrin, 2008, 187-212.
285. Welz, C.: "Klage und Vertrauen: Sich verlassen auf Gott in Gottverlassenheit?" In E. Harasta (ed.): Mit Gott klagen. Eine theologische Diskussion. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2008, 121-140.
284. Zahavi, D., Gallagher, S.: "Reply - A phenomenology with legs and brains." Abstracta Special Issue 2, 2008, 86-107.
283. Gallagher, S., Zahavi, D.: "Précis - The Phenomenological Mind." Abstracta Special Issue 2, 2008, 4-9.
282. Grünbaum, T.: "The Body in Action." Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7/2, 2008, 243-261.
281. Rosfort, R.: Subjectivity and Ethics. Ricoeur and the Question of Naturalizing Personhood. Det Teologiske Fakultet, København, 2008. (250 p.)
280. Zahavi, D.: "Simulation, projection and empathy." Consciousness and Cognition 17, 2008, 514-522.
279. Welz, C.: "God - A Phenomenon? Theology as Semiotic Phenomenology of the Invisible." Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology 62/1, 2008, 4-24.
278. Welz, C.: "Review of: Norbert Fischer/Jakub Sirovátka (eds.), Für das Unsichtbare sterben. Zum 100. Geburtstag von Emmanuel Levinas." Theologische Literaturzeitung 133/4, 2008, 421-423.
277. Zahavi, D.: Zhutixing yu Zishenxing:dui Diyi Renchen Shijiao de Tanjiu. Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2008. (304 p.)
276. Zahavi, D.: "Phenomenology." In Moran, D. (ed.): Routledge Companion to Twentieth-Century Philosophy. London: Routledge, 2008, 661-692.
275. Welz, C.: Love's Transcendence and the Problem of Theodicy. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008. (437 p.)
274. Grünbaum, T.: "Trying and the Arguments from Total Failure." Philosophia - Philosophical Quarterly of Israel 36/1, 2008, 67-86.
273. Zahavi, D.: "Internalism, Externalism, and Transcendental Idealism." Synthese 160/3, 2008, 355-374.
272. Zahavi, D.: "The Mind Without, the World Within." Synthese 160/3, 2008, 309-311.
271. Gallagher, S., Zahavi, D.: The Phenomenological Mind: An introduction to philosophy of mind and cognitive science. London - New York: Routledge, 2008. (256 pp.)
270. Zahavi, D. (Ed.): Internalism and Externalism in Phenomenological Perspective. Special issue of Synthese 160/3, 2008. (106 p.)