611. Grøn, A.: „Ein Leben zu führen. Kierkegaard und der Begriff des Lebens.“ In S. Schaede, G. Hartung & T. Kleffmann (eds.): Das Leben. Historisch-systematische Studien zur Geschichte eines Begriffs. Band 2. Religion und Aufklärung Band 22. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012, 81-106.
610. Alsmith, A.: "The concept of a structural affordance." Avant 3/2, 2012.
609. Zahavi, D.: "Hið margslungna sjálf: Sjónarhorn reynslu og fræða." Hugur 24, 2012, 175-195.
608. Overgaard, S.: "Other People." In D. Zahavi (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Phenomenology. Oxford. Oxford University Press, 2012, 460-479.
607. Zahavi, D.: "Il senso della fenomenologia: una riflessione metodologica." In C. Di Martino (ed.): Attualità della fenomenologia. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino Editore, 2012, 25-48.
606. Parnas, J., Møller, P., Kircher, T., Thalbitzer, J., Jansson, L., Handest, P., Zahavi, D.: "EASE: Évaluation des Anomalies de l'Expérience de Soi." L'Encéphale 38 (supplement 3), 2012, 121-145.
605. Welz, C.: "Gudbilledlighed, synd og relationel ontologi: Kierkegaard og Luther.” In N.H. Gregersen (ed.): Lutherbilleder i dansk teologi 1800-2000. Copenhagen: Anis, 2012, 105-121.
604. Welz, C.: "Review of: Jan-Olav Henriksen: Finitude and Theological Anthropology: An Interdisciplinary Exploration into Theological Dimensions of Finitude." Teologisk Tidsskrift 1/4, 2012, 453-456.
603. Zahavi, D.: "Self, consciousness, and shame." In D. Zahavi (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Phenomenology. Oxford. Oxford University Press, 2012, 304-323.
602. Zahavi, D.: "Introduction." In D. Zahavi (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Phenomenology. Oxford. Oxford University Press, 2012, 1-4.
601. Zahavi, D. (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Phenomenology. Oxford. Oxford University Press, 2012. (640 p.).
600. Grøn, A.: ""Time, Courage, Selfhood: Reflections on Kierkegaard's Discourse "To Preserve One's Soul in Patience.” In J. M. Justo & E. M. de Sousa (eds.): Kierkegaard in Lisbon: Contemporary Readings of Repetition, Fear and Trembling, Philosophical Fragments and the 1843 and 1844 Upbuilding Discourses. Lisbon: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2012, 85-96.
599. Zahavi, D: "Empati og Spejling hos Husserl." Kritik 205, 2012, 63-72.
598. Jensen, R.T., Moran, D. (eds.): Intersubjectivity and Empathy. Special issue of Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11/2, 2012, 125-308.
597. Sørensen, H.J., Sæbye, D., Urfer-Parnas, A., Mortensen, E.L., Parnas, J.: Premorbid intelligence and educational level in bipolar and unipolar disorders: a Danish draft board study." Journal of Affective Disorders 136/3, 2012, 1188-1191.
596. Nordgaard, J., Revsbech, R., Sæbye, D., Parnas, J.: "Assessing the diagnostic validity of a structured psychiatric interview in a first-admission hospital sample." World Psychiatry 11/3, 2012, 181-185.
595. Raballo, A., Parnas, J.: "Examination of anomalous self-experience: Initial study of the structure of self-disorders in schizophrenia spectrum." The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 200/7, 2012, 577-583.
594. Welz, C.: “At give stemme til det usynlige: Overvejelser over bønnens sprog.” Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 75/4, 2012, 254-274.
593. Zahavi, D.: "Husserl, self and others: An interview with Dan Zahavi." Avant 3/1, 2012, 114-121.
592. Bohl, V., van den Bos, W.: "Toward an integrative account of social cognition: marrying theory of mind and interactionism to study the interplay of Type 1 and Type 2 processes." Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6, 2012, 1-15.
591. Overgaard, S.: “Disjunctivism and the Urgency of Scepticism”. In M. Willaschek (ed.), Disjunctivism: Disjunctive Accounts in Epistemology and in the Philosophy of Perception. London: Routledge, 2012, 86-102.
590. Welz, C.: "Human Perfection: Overcoming Oneself. A Discussion of Kierkegaard's Four Upbuilding Discourses from 1844 with reference to Luther, Heidegger, and Simone Weil.” In J. M. Justo & E. M. de Sousa (eds.): Kierkegaard in Lisbon: Contemporary Readings of Repetition, Fear and Trembling, Philosophical Fragments and the 1843 and 1844 Upbuilding Discourses. Lisbon: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2012, 97-115.
589. Welz, C.: "Review of: Sergio Muňoz Fonnegra, Das gelingende Gutsein: Über Liebe und Anerkennung bei Kierkegaard." Theologische Literaturzeitung 137/2, 2012, 212f.
588. Welz, C.: "Anfangen ohne Ende. Elazar Benyoëtz: Eingeholt. Neue Einsätze” In Elazar Benyoëtz, Olivenbäume, die Eier legen. Ein Nachbuch. Wien: Braumüller Literaturverlag, 2012, 131-139.
587. Alsmith, A.: "What reason could there be for believing in pre-reflective bodily self-consciousness?" In F. Paglieri (Ed.), Consciousness in interaction: The role of the natural and social environment in shaping consciousness. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Press, 2012, 3-17.
586. Alsmith, A. & de Vignemont, F.: "Embodying the mind and representing the body." Review of Philosophy and Psychology 3/1, 2012, 1-13.
585. Henriksen, M.G., Parnas, J.: "Clinical manifestations of self-disorders and the gestalt of schizophrenia." Schizophrenia Bulletin 38, 2012, 657-60.
584. Zahavi, D.: "Noesis and noema." The Times Literary Supplement, June 29, 2012, 28.
583. Krueger, J.: "Seeing mind in action." Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11/2, 2012, 149-173.
582. Jensen, R.T. & Moran, D.: "Introduction: intersubjectivity and empathy". Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11/2, 2012, 125-133.
581. Zahavi, D.: "The time of the self." Grazer Philosophische Studien 84, 2012, 143-159.
580. Parnas, J.: "The core gestalt of schizophrenia." World Psychiatry 11/2, 2012, 67-69.
579. Parnas, J.: "DSM-IV and the founding prototype of schizophrenia: are we regressing to a pre-Kraepelian nosology?" In Kendler, K., Parnas, J. (eds.): Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry II: Nosology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, 237-259.
578. Parnas, J.: "Comments: A sea of distress." In Kendler, K., Parnas, J. (eds.): Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry II: Nosology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, 229-233.
577. Parnas, J.: "Comments: The nature of psychiatric object and classification." In Kendler, K., Parnas, J. (eds.): Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry II: Nosology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, 118-123.
576. Kendler, K., Parnas, J. (eds.): Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry II: Nosology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. (p. 360).
575. Cai, W.: "Between the sense of self and the reality of self." Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11, 2012, 113-118.
574. Krueger, J. and Michael, J.: "Gestural coupling and social cognition: Möbius Syndrome as a case study." Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6/81, 2012, 1-14.
573. Overgaard, S. “Visual Perception and Self-Movement: Another Look”. In A. Foolen, U. M. Lüdtke, T. P. Racine and J. Zlatev (eds.): Moving Ourselves, Moving Others. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2012, 81-103.
572. Michael, J. & Overgaard, S.: "Interaction and Social Cognition: A Comment on Auvray et al.’s Perceptual Crossing Paradigm." New Ideas in Psychology 30, 2012, 296-299.
571. Zahavi, D., Overgaard, S.: "Time, Space and Body in Bergson, Heidegger and Husserl." In R. Baiasu, G. Bird & A.W. Moore (eds.): Contemporary Kantian Metaphysics: New Essays on Space and Time. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 270-297.
570. Grünbaum, T.: “First-Person and Minimal Self-Consciousness.” In S. Miguens & G. Preyer (eds.): Consciousness and Subjectivity. Heusenstamm: Ontos Verlag, 2012, 273-296.
569. Zahavi, D.: "Review of Manfred Frank and Niels Weidtmann (Eds.): Husserl und die Philosophie des Geistes." Husserl Studies 28/1, 2012, 81-84.
568. Krueger, J. & Overgaard, S.: "Seeing subjectivity: Defending a perceptual account of other minds." In S. Miguens & G. Preyer (eds.): Consciousness and Subjectivity. Heusenstamm: Ontos Verlag, 2012, 297-319.
567. Overgaard, M. & Grünbaum, T.: "Cognitive and non-cognitive conceptions of consciousness." Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16/3, 2012, 137.
566. Gallagher, S., Zahavi, D.: The Phenomenological Mind. 2nd Edition. London: Routledge, 2012. (288 p.)
565. Henriksen, M.G.: Understanding Schizophrenia: Investigations in Phenomenological Psychopathology. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Copenhagen, 2012. (p. 134).
564. Zahavi, D.: Fenomenologia Husserla. Krakow: Wydawnictwo WAM, 2012. (208 p.)
563. Zahavi, D.: "Basic empathy and complex empathy." Emotion Review 4/1, 2012, 81-82.
562. Zahavi, D.: "The Complex self: Empirical and theoretical perspectives." In J. McCurry & A. Pryor (eds.): Phenomenology, Cognition, and Neuroscience. Pittsburgh: The Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, 2012, 40-58.
561. Grünbaum, T.: "Commonsense psychology, dual visual streams, and the individuation of action." Philosophical Psychology 25/1, 2012, 25-47.
560. Zahavi, D., Overgaard, S.: "Empathy without isomorphism: A phenomenological account." In J. Decety (eds.): Empathy: From Bench to Bedside. Cambridge, MA.: The MIT Press, 2012, 3-20.
559. Zahavi, D.: "Empathy and mirroring: Husserl and Gallese." In R. Breeur & U. Melle (eds.): Life, Subjectivity & Art: Essays in Honor of Rudolf Bernet. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012, 217-254.