785. Henriksen, M.G., Parnas, J.: "Phenomenology, meaning, and metaphor." Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 22 (3), 2015, 193-196.
784. Henriksen, M.G., Raballo, A., Parnas, J.: "The pathogenesis of auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia: a clinical-phenomenological account." Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 22 (3), 2015, 165-181.
783. Zahavi, D.: "Ja i drugoj: ot chistogo ja k sovmestno vystraivaemomu my." Mysl' - Zhurnal Peterburgskogo filosofskogo obshhestva 18, 2015, 28-46.
782. Taipale, J.: “The anachronous other: Empathy and transference in early phenomenology and psychoanalysis”. Studia Phaenomenologica XV, 2015, 331-348.
781. Taipale, J.: “Empathy and the Melodic Unity of the Other”. Human Studies 38/4, 2015, 463-479.
780. Jardine, J.: "Stein and Honneth on Empathy and Emotional Recognition." Human Studies 38/4, 2015, 567-589.
779. Szanto, T.: “Collective Emotions, Normativity and Empathy: A Steinian Account.” Human Studies 38/4, 2015, 503-527.
778. Szanto, T., & Moran, D. (Eds.): Empathy and Collective Intentionality: The Social Philosophy of Edith Stein. (Special Issue): Human Studies 38/4, 2015.
777. Szanto, T., & Moran, D.: “Introduction: Empathy and Collective Intentionality—The Social Philosophy of Edith Stein”. Human Studies 38/4, 2015, 445-461.
776. Parnas, J., Møller, P., Kircher, T., Thalbitzer, J., Jansson, L., Handest, P., Zahavi, D.: Undersökning av störningar i självupplevelsen. Medicinska Fakultetet, Lunds Universitet. 2015.
775. Høffding, S.: A Phenomenology of Expert Musicianship. Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen. 2015. (p. 239).
774. Hutto, D. & Satne, G. (eds.): The Natural Origins of Content, Special Issue of Philosophia. Philosophical Quarterly of Israel. 43/3, 2015.
773. Nordgaard J., Revsbech R., Henriksen, M.G.: "Self-Disorders, Neurocognition and Rationality in Schizophrenia: A Preliminary Study." Psychopathology 48, 2015, 310-316.
772. Henriksen, M.G.: "Psychiatry in times of crisis." Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 46, 2015, 231-237.
771. Satne, G.: "The social roots of normativity." Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14/4, 2015, 673-682.
770. Satne, G. (ed.): The Roots of Normativity: Developmental, Comparative and Conceptual Issues. Special Issue of Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14/4, 2015.
769. Klinke, M.E., Zahavi, D., Hjaltason, H., Thorsteinsson, B., Jónsdóttir, H.: "'Getting the left right': The experience of hemispatial neglect after stroke." Qualitative Health Research 25/12, 2015, 1623-1636.
768. Ishihara, Y.: "Nishida ni okeru a priori gainen [Nishida Kitaro on the 'a priori']." Nihon tetsugakushi kenkyu [Research in Japanese Philosophy] 11, 2015, 220-244.
767. Ishihara, Y.: "Review of the inaugural issue of The Journal of Japanese Philosophy." Nishida tetsugakukai nenpou [Annual review of the Nishida Philosophy Association] 12, 2015, 170-74.
766. Ishihara, Y.: "The transcendental orientation of Sein und Zeit." Genshogaku nenpo [Annual Review of the Phenomenological Association of Japan] 31, 2015, 1-11.
765. Taipale, J.: "Review of Andrea Staiti: Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology: nature, spirit, and life." Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 46/2, 2015, 243-249.
764. Salice, A.: "There Are No Primitive We-Intentions." Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6/4, 2015, 695-715.
763. Salice, A.: "集団−同一化の現象学的理論[A Phenomenological Theory of Group Identification], 赤坂辰太郎訳,『現象学年報』[Annual Review of the Phenomenological Association of Japan] 31, 2015, 35-46.
762. Salice, A.: "The Phenomenology of the Munich and Göttingen Circles." In The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2015 Edition), Ed Zalta (ed.), http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2015/entries/phenomenology-mg/
761. Salice, A.: "Searle, John (1932–)." In J. D. Wright (ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 21, Oxford: Elsevier, 2015, 340-345.
760. Salice, A., Michael, J.: "(How) Can Robots Make Commitments?" In J. Seibt, R. Hakli (eds.) Sociable Robots And The Future Of Social Relations. Proceedings. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2015, 125-133.
759. Salice, A., Taipale, J.: "Group-Directed Empathy: A Phenomenological Account." Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 46/2, 2015, 163-184
758. Alsmith, A.: "Mental Activity & the Sense of Ownership." Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6/4, 2015, 881-896.
757. Parnas J.: “Differential diagnosis and current polythetic classification“. World Psychiatry 14(3), 2015, 284-7.
756. Parnas J, Jansson LB.: “Self-Disorders: Clinical and Conceptual Implications for the Diagnostic Concept of Schizophrenia“. Psychopathology 48(5), 2015, 332-8.
755. Rasmussen AR, Parnas J.: ”Anomalies of Imagination and Disordered Self in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders“. Psychopathology 48(5), 2015, 317-23.
754. Kyrios M, Nelson B, Ahern C, Fuchs T, Parnas J.: “Introduction“. Psychopathology 48(5), 2015, 275-7.
753. Blomberg, O.: “Review of ‘Rational and Social Agency: The Philosophy of Michael Bratman’, edited by M. Vargas & Y. Gideon.” Journal of Social Ontology 1/2, 2015, 377–379.
752. Schiavio, A. & Høffding, S.: "Playing together withoutcommunicating? A pre-reflective and enactive account of jointmusical performance." Musicae Scientiae 19/4, 2015, 366-388.
751. Zahavi, D.: "On Self, Empathy, and Shame." International Journal ofPhilosophical Studies 23/5, 2015, 638-644.
750. Moltke Martiny, K.: Embodying Investigations of Cerebral Palsy: A Case of Open Cognitive Science. Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen. 2015. (p. 243).
749. Zahavi, D.: “Anata, watashi, soshite watashitachi – kanjyotekikeiken no kyoyu.” Tetsugaku-zasshi 130/802, 2015, 171-191.
748. Gallagher, S., Zahavi, D.: Fenomenologiczny umysł. Warzaw: PWN, 2015. (450 p.)
747. Montes Sánchez, A., “Shame and the Internalized Other.” Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XVII/2, 2015, 181-200.
746. Revsbech, R., Mortensen, E. L., Owen, G., Nordgaard, J., Jansson, L., Sæbye, D., Flensborg-Madsen, T., Parnas, J.: "Exploring rationality in schizophrenia." British Journal of Psychiatry Open 1/1, 2015, 98-103.
745. Parnas, J., Gallagher, S.: "Phenomenology and the interpretation of psychopathological experience." In L.I. Kirmayer, R. Lemelson, C.A. Cummings (eds.): Re-Visioning Psychiatry. Cultural Phenomenology, Critical Neuroscience. and Global Mental Health (pp.65-80). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
744. Zahavi, D.: "Phenomenology of reflection." In A. Staiti (ed.): Commentary on Husserl's Ideas I. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015, 177-193.
743. Blomberg, O.: “An Account of Boeschian Cooperative Behaviour.” In C. Misselhorn (eds.): Collective Agency and Cooperation in Natural and Artificial Systems: Explanation, Implementation and Simulation. Cham: Springer, 2015, 169-184.
742. Salice, A., Henriksen, M.G.: "The disrupted 'we': Schizophrenia and collective intentionality." Journal of Consciousness Studies 22, 2015, 145-171.
741. Zahavi, D., Rochat, Ph.: "Empathy ≠ sharing: Perspectives from phenomenology and developmental psychology." Consciousness and Cognition 36, 2015, 543-553.
740. Arnfred, S.M., Raballo, A., Morup, M., Parnas, J.: "Self-disorder and brain processing of proprioception in schizophrenia spectrum patients: a re-analysis." Psychopathology 48/1, 2015, 60-64.
739. Parnas, J.: "Delusions, epistemology and phenophobia." World Psychiatry 14/2, 2015, 174-175.
738. Zahavi, D.: Shogakusha no tameno Genshogaku. Kyoto, Koyo Shobo, 2015 (vii + 127 + 11 p.).
737. Taipale, J., Zahavi, D.: Nordic Perspectives on Phenomenology. Special Issue of Continental Philosophy Review 48/2, 2015.
736. Taipale, J., Zahavi, D.: "Nordic perspectives on phenomenology: An introduction." Continental Philosophy Review 48/2, 2015, 103-106.
735. Zahavi, D.: "Self and other: From pure ego to co-constituted we." Continental Philosophy Review 48/2, 2015, 143-160.
734. Taipale, J.: "Beyond Cartesianism: Body-perception and the immediacy of empathy." Continental Philosophy Review 48/2, 2015, 161-178.
733. Overgaard, S.: "How to do things with brackets: The epoché explained." Continental Philosophy Review 48/2, 2015, 179-195.
732. León, F.: "Reflexión, objetivación, tematización: sobre una crítica heideggeriana de Husserl." Investigaciones Fenomenológicas, Vol. Monográfico 5, 2015, 159-181.
731. Blomberg, O.: "Review of Michael Bratman's 'Shared Agency: A Planning Theory of Acting Together'." Analysis 75/2, 2015, 346-348.
730. Blomberg, O.: "Shared goals and development." The Philosophical Quarterly 65/258, 2015, 94-101.
729. Salice, A.: "Searle, John (1932–)." In J. D. Wright (ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 21 (pp.340-345). Oxford: Elsevier, 2015.
728. Zahavi, D.: "Você, eu e nós: o compartilhamento de experiências emocionais."  Ekstasis: Revista de Hermenêutica e Fenomenologia 3/2, 2015, 151 - 170.
727. Parnas J.: "Philosophical and Phenomenological Perspectives on Psychosis." In F. Waters and M. Stephane (eds.): The Assessment of Psychosis: A Reference Book and Rating Scales for Research and Practice (pp. 17-43). New York: Routledge, 2015.
726. Parnas J., Henriksen, M.G.: "Disturbance of the Experience of Self: Phenomenologically Based Account." pp. 235-244. In F. Waters and M. Stephane (eds.): The Assessment of Psychosis: A Reference Book and Rating Scales for Research and Practice (pp. 235-244). New York: Routledge, 2015.
725. Zahavi, D.: "Husserl and the Transcendental." In S. Gardner & M. Grist (eds.): The Transcendental Turn. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, 228-243.
724. Montes Sánchez, A.: "False-belief tests and understanding others: Comment on Gallagher's 'The problem with 3-year-olds'." Journal of Consciousness Studies 22/1-2, 2015, 187-190.
723. Zahavi, D.: "You, me, and we: The sharing of emotional experiences." Journal of Consciousness Studies 22/1-2, 2015, 84-101.
722. Satne, G.: "Introduction: From interacting agents to engaging persons." Journal of Consciousness Studies 22/1-2, 2015, 9-23.
721. Satne, G. & Roepstorff, A. (eds.).: Intentionality in Interaction. Special Issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies 22/1-2, 2015.
720. Zahavi, D.: "Vindicating Husserl's Primal I." In J. Bloechl & N. de Warren (eds.): Phenomenology in a New Key: Between Analysis and History. Dordrecht: Springer, 2015, 1-14.
719. Zahavi, D.: "Intentionnalité et phénoménalité: un regard phénoménologique sur le 'problème difficile'". Philosophie 124, 2015, 80-104.
718. Overgaard, S. and Michael, J.: “The Interactive Turn in Social Cognition Research: A Critique”. Philosophical Psychology 28, 2015, 160-183.