935. |
Zahavi, D. & Nonaka, I.: "Sympathy in phenomenological thought: Approaches and applications." ER Spring 2018 - Special Edition, 2018, 36-43. |
934. |
Zahavi, D.: Husserl'in Fenomenolojisi. Say Yayinlari: Istanbul, 2018. |
933. |
Stephensen H., Parnas J.: "Schizophrénie, Soi et altérité." In M. Gennart, J. Thonney (red.), Le sens fondamental de soi et ses troubles. Plaidoyer pour une psychothérapie des psychoses. Paris: Le Cercle Hermeneutique 2018, pp. 239-250. |
932. | Henriksen M.G., Parnas J.: "Selbststörungen und Schizophrenie: Eine phänomenologische Neubewertung mangelnder Krankheitseinsicht und Non-Compliance". In T. Fuchs, T. Breyer (red.), Selbst und Selbststörungen. Verlag Karl Alber, Freiburg/München 2018. |
931. |
Stephensen H., Parnas J.: "Schizophrenia, Subjectivity, and Self-Alienation." In C. Welz, R. Rosfort (red.), Hermeneutics and Negativism. Existential Ambiguities of Self-Understanding. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2018, p. 211-224. |
930. |
Nordgaard J., Nilsson L.S., Sæbye D., Parnas J.: "Self-disorders in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders: a 5-year follow-up." European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 268 (7), 2018, 713-718. |
929. |
Stephensen H.B., Parnas J.: "What can self-disorders in schizophrenia tell us about the nature of subjectivity? A psychopathological investigation." Phenomology and Cognitive Science 17 (4), 2018, 629-642. |
928. |
Nelson B., Hartmann J.A., Parnas J.: "Detail, dynamics and depth: useful correctives for some current research trends." British Journal of Psychiatry 212 (5), 2018, 262-264. |
927. |
Rasmussen A.R., Stephensen H., Parnas J.: "EAFI: Examination of Anomalous Fantasy and Imagination." Psychopathology 51 (3), 2018, 216-226. |
926. |
Rasmussen A.R., Stephensen H., Nordgaard J., Parnas J.: "A Phenomenological Approach to Psychopathology of Imagination: Development of a Descriptive Instrument - Examination of Anomalous Fantasy and Imagination. "Psychopathology 51 (3), 2018, 210-215. |
925. |
Parnas J., Zandersen M.: "Self and schizophrenia: current status and diagnostic implications." World Psychiatry 17 (2), 2018, 220–221. |
924. |
Parnas J., Jansson L.: "Psykopatologi og diagnose." Ugeskrift for Læger 2018, 180: V08170584. |
923. |
Sandsten K.E., Nordgaard J., Parnas J.: "Kreativitet og psykose." Ugeskrift for Læger 2018, 180: V02180141. |
922. |
Zahavi, D.: "5 questions". In F. León and J. Taipale (eds.), Phenomenology: Five Questions. Automatic Press / VIP, 2018, 167-173. |
921. |
León, F., & Taipale, J.: "Preface". In F. León and J. Taipale (eds.), Phenomenology: Five Questions. Automatic Press / VIP, 2018, v-vi. |
920. |
León, F., & Taipale, J. (Eds.).: Phenomenology: Five Questions. Automatic Press / VIP. Five Questions. 2018. (vii + 175p) |
919. |
León, F.: "Sense of ownership and sense of agency in first-person-perspective full-body illusions." Constructivist Foundations 14(1): 105–107 |
918 |
Zahavi, D.: Fænomenologi. En introduktion. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur. 2018. (176 p.) |
917. |
Henriksen, M.G., Parnas, J.: "The self in schizophrenia." Quaderni della Ginestra – Meditazioni filosofiche 21 (2), 2017, 1-7. |
916. |
Henriksen, M.G.: “Schizophrenia, psychosis, and empathy”. In: Englander, M. (ed), Phenomenology and the Social Context of Psychiatry. Bloomsbury: London, 2018, pp. 27-47. |
915. |
Henriksen, M.G.: "Revitalizing psychopathology and making valid diagnoses." Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 49, 2018, 125-131. |
914. |
Raballo, A., Poletti, M., Henriksen, M.G.: “Hallucinatory Symptomatology in Major Psychoses (Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorders)”. In Brambilla P, Mauri MC, Altamura AC (eds.) Hallucinations in Psychoses and Affective Disorders - A Clinical and Biological Approach. London: Springer Nature, pp. 85-97, 2018. |
913. |
Zahavi, D.: Phenomenology: The Basics. London. Routledge 2019. (x + 158 p.) |
912. |
Zahavi, D.: Husserl no Isan. Genshogaku, Keijijogaku, Choetsurontetsugaku (『フッサールの遺産―現象学・形而上学・超越論哲学』)Tokyo: Hosei University Press 2018. (382 pp.) |
911. |
Montes Sánchez, A.: "Er skam en moralsk følelse? En sammenligning af individuel og gruppebaseret skam" K&K - Kultur og Klasse 46/125: 49-70. |
910. |
Montes Sánchez, A.: "Thoughtcrime or Feelingcrime?" In Di Nucci, E & Storrie, S (eds.), 1984 and Philosophy. Popular Culture and Philosophy Series. Open Court, 2018. |
909. |
Zahavi, D.: "Consciousness, self-consciousness, selfhood: A reply to some critics." Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9, 2018, 703-718. |
908. |
Zahavi, D., Michael, J.: "Beyond mirroring: 4E approaches to empathy." In A. Newen, L. de Bruin & S. Gallagher (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of 4e Cognition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 589-606. |
907. |
Szanto, T. "The Phenomenology of Shared Emotions: Reassessing Gerda Walther." In S. Luft, & R. Hagengruber (eds.): Women Phenomenologists on Social Ontology. Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, 85-104. |
906. |
Zahavi, D.: “Manhattan Dynamite and no pancakes: Tradition and normality in the work of Tove Jansson”. Sats 19/1, 2018, 5-19. |
905. |
Overgaard, S. & Marshall, R. “Rethinking Minds: The Wittgenstein, Levinas, Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty Gang” (Interview with Søren Overgaard). 3:AM Magazine, 27 June 2018. |
904. |
Zahavi, D.: "Intersubjectivity, sociality, community: The contributions of the early phenomenologists." In D. Zahavi (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 734-752. |
903. |
Zahavi, D.: "Introduction." In D. Zahavi (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 1-2. |
902. |
Zahavi, D. (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. (p. 775). |
901. |
Gersel, J., Jensen, R. T., Thaning, M. S., and Overgaard, S. (eds.), In the Light of Experience: New Essays on Reasons and Perception. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Mind Association Occasional Series), 2018. |
900. |
Zahavi, D., García, P.E.: "Nuevos horizontes en filosofía de la mente. Entrevista al Prof. Dan Zahavi." Eidos 29, 2018, 400-409. |
899. |
Nörenberg, H.: “Elementary Affective Sharing: The Case of Collective Embarrassment.” Phänomenologische Forschungen, 2018, 129-150. |
898. |
Nörenberg, H.: “Heiko Schulz, Eschatologische Identität. Eine Untersuchung über das Verhältnis das Verhältnis von Vorsehung, Schicksal und Zufall bei Sören Kierkegaard.” In J. Stewart (ed.): Kierkegaard Secondary Literature: Tome IV (Kierkegaard Research : Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18). London/New York: Routledge, 2017, 309-314. |
897. |
Nörenberg, H.: “Jochem Hennigfeld and Jon Stewart (eds.), Kierkegaard und Schelling. Freiheit, Angst und Wirklichkeit.” In J. Stewart (ed.): Kierkegaard Secondary Literature: Tome IV (Kierkegaard Research : Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18). London/New York: Routledge, 2017, 247-251. |
896. |
扎哈维,“同情以外——现象学的交互主体性进路”,载于《恻隐之心——多维视野中的儒家古典观念研究》,赖曲平,陈立胜主编,巴蜀书社,2018,页399-427(Zahavi, D., Beyond Empathy: phenomenological approaches to intersubjectivity, trans. by Luo, Z., in Ceyinzhixin (empathy): A study of classical Confucian ideas in multi-perspectives, Bashu Press, 2018, pp.399-427). |
895. |
Overgaard, S. “Reframing the issue of direct social perception: Comment on ‘Seeing mental states: An experimental strategy for measuring the observability of other minds’ by Cristina Becchio et al.” Physics of Life Reviews 24, 2018, 96-98. |
894. |
Zahavi, D.: "Collective Intentionality and Plural Pre-Reflective Self-Awareness." Journal of Social Philosophy 49/1, 2018, 61-75. |
893. |
Montes Sánchez, A., Zahavi, D.: "Unraveling the Meaning of Survivor Shame." In T. Brudholm & J. Lang (eds.): Emotions and Mass Atrocity: Philosophical and Theoretical Explorations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, 162-184. |
892. |
Zahavi, D.: "Causation, constitution and context: Comment on 'Seeing mental states: An experimental strategy for measuring the observability of other minds' by Cristina Becchio et al." Physics of Life Reviews 24, 2018, 94-95. |
891. |
Overgaard, S.: "Perceptual Error, Conjunctivism, and Husserl." Husserl Studies 34/1, 2018, 25-45. |
890. |
Zahavi, D.: "Brain, Mind, World: Predictive Coding, Neo-Kantianism, and Transcendental Idealism." Husserl Studies 34/1, 2018, 47-61. |
889. |
Zahavi, D. & Nonaka, I.: "Human-Centric Organizational Management: What Phenomenology Can Teach Us." ER 7, 2018, 36-41. |
888. |
Zahavi, D. & Marshall, R.: "Phenomenology: Husserl's Legacy: Interview with Dan Zahavi." 3:AM Magazine January 27, 2018. |