1162. |
Joosse, P. & and Zelinsky, D.: "Charismatic Mimicry: Innovation and Imitation in the Case of Volodymyr Zelensky". Sociological Theory 41, no. 3: 201–28. https://doi.org/10.1177/07352751231174436. |
1161. |
Meindl, Patricia, Szanto, Thomas, & Zahavi, Dan (Eds.) (2023). Husserl and Community. (Special Issue). Continental Philosophy Review 56(3). |
1160. |
Capelos, T., Nield, E., & Salmela, M. (2023). Narratives of success and failure in ressentiment: Assuming victimhood and transmuting frustration among young Korean men. Social Sciences, 12(5), 259. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12050259 |
1159. |
Nagatsu, M., Kaaronen, R.O., Salmela, M. & MacLeod, M. (2023). Cultural niche construction as a framework for reorienting human-environment relations. In B.C. Malt & A. Majid (Eds), Topic: Conceptual Foundations of Sustainability. Topics in Cognitive Science, 15(3), 412-432. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/tops.12674 |
1158. |
Joosse, P., & Zelinsky, D.: "Charismatic Mimicry: Innovation and Imitation in the Case of Volodymyr Zelensky". Sociological Theory, 41(3), 2023, 201-228. https://doi.org/10.1177/07352751231174436 |
1157. |
Zelinsky, D.: "How Intellectuals Perform: Meaning Making and Community in the Czechoslovak Philosophical Underground." Sociology, 57(4), 2023, 715-732. https://doi.org/10.1177/00380385221112233 |
1156. |
Zahavi, D.: "「個人性と共同体:社会構築主義の限界」." Memoirs of Institute of Humanities, Human and Social Sciences 136, 2023, 197-231. |
1155. |
Bruineberg, J.: "Adversarial inference: predictive minds in the attention economy." Neuroscience of Consciousness 1, 2023, niad019, https://doi.org/10.1093/nc/niad019 |
1154. |
Tietjen, R.R.: "The Affects of Populism." Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 9(2), 2023, 284–302. |
1153. |
Tietjen, R.R.: "Feeling and Performing 'the Crisis'": On the Affective Phenomenology and Politics of the Corona Crisis. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22(5), 2023, 1281–1299. |
1152. |
Tietjen, R.R.: "Religious Zeal, Affective Fragility, and the Tragedy of Human Existence." Human Studies, 46, 2023, 1–19. |
1151. |
Tietjen, R.R.: "Fear, Fanaticism, and Fragile Identities." The Journal of Ethics, 27, 2023, 211–230. |
1150. |
Osler, L.: "WTF?! – Covid-19, Indignation, and the Internet." Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 22(5), 2023, 1215–1234. |
1149. |
Lo Presti, P.: "Knowing Other Minds: A Scorekeeping Model." Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14, 2023, 1279–1308. |
1148. |
Nagatsu, M., Salmela, M.: "Interpersonal and Collective Affective Niche Construction: Empirical and Normative Perspectives on Social Media." Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14, 2023, 1169–1196. |
1147. |
Stone, O., Zahavi, D.: "Mindless obfuscation: A reply to Depraz, Petitmengin, and Bitbol." In S. Ferrarello & C. Hadjiouannou (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness (pp. 502-507). London: Routledge. |
1146. |
Stone, O.: "Varieties of self-consciousness in mindfulness meditation." In S. Ferrarello & C. Hadjiouannou (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness (pp. 290-303). London: Routledge. |
1145. |
Zahavi, D.: "My v Ja alebo Ja v My? Kolektívna intencionalita a jastvo." Filozofia 78/10, 2023, 801-820. |
1144. |
Osler, L., Zahavi, D.: "Sociality and embodiment: Online communication during and after Covid-19". Foundations of Science 28, 2023, 1125-1142. |
1143. |
Szanto, T.: Epistemically Exploitative Bullshit. A Sartrean Account. European Journal of Philosophy, 31(3), 2023, 711–730. |
1142. |
Zahavi, D.: "Group-identification, collectivism, and perspectival autonomy." The Southern Journal of Philosophy 61 (suppl. 1), 2023, 66-77. |
1141. |
Zahavi, D.: Il primo libro di fenomenologia. Torino: Einaudi. 2023 (216 pp). |
1140. |
Zahavi, D.: "Applied Phenomenology." In N. de Warren, T. Toadvine, (eds), Encyclopedia of Phenomenology. Springer, Cham, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47253-5_93-1 |
1139. |
Zahavi, D.: Alifbaye Padidarshenasi (الفبای پدیدارشناسی), Tehran: Bidgol Publishings, 2023 (259 pp.). |
1138. |
Overgaard, S.: "Husserl and Disjunctivism: Reply to Bower". Journal of the History of Philosophy 61, 2023, 499-513. |
1137. |
Zahavi, D.: "Edmund Husserl". In Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy, https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195396577/obo-9780195396577-0210.xml |
1136. |
Szanto, T.: "Husserl on the state: A critical appraisal." Continental Philosophy Review 56/3, 2023, 419-442. |
1135. |
Meindl, P., Zahavi, D.: "From communication to communalization: A Husserlian account." Continental Philosophy Review 56/3, 2023, 343-359. |
1134. |
Szanto, T., Meindl, P., Zahavi, D.: "Introduction: Husserl and community." Continental Philosophy Review 56/3, 2023, 335-341. |
1133. |
Meindl, P., Szanto, T., Zahavi, D. (eds.): Husserl and Community. Special issue of Continental Philosophy Review 56/3, 2023, 335-504. |
1132. |
Gallagher, S., Zahavi, D.: Bewusstsein und Welt: Phänomenologie und Kognitionswissenschaft. Karl Alber Verlag, 2023. (448 pp.). |
1131. |
León, F., Zahavi, D.: "Consciousness, philosophy, and neuroscience." Acta Neurochirurgica 165, 2023, 833-839. |
1130. |
Morgan, B., Rokotnitz, N., Budelmann, F., Zahavi, D.: "I and We: Hannah Arendt, Participatory Plurality, and the Literary Scaffolding of Collective Intentionality." Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 25/2, 2023, 235–264. |
1129. |
Zahavi, D. "Observation, Interaction, Communication: The Role of the Second Person." Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 97/1, 2023, 82-103. |
1128. |
Nordgaard J, Berge J, Rasmussen AR, Sandsten KE, Zandersen M, Parnas J.: Are Self-disorders in Schizophrenia Expressive of a Unifying Disturbance of Subjectivity: A Factor Analytic Approach. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 49/1, 2023, 144-150. |
1127. |
Overgaard, S.: En verden af Indtryk: Om blæksprutter, basilikum og bevidsthedens gåde. København: Gads Forlag, 2023. (240 pp.) |
1126. |
Zahavi, D.: Xiànxiàngxué Rùmén (现象学入门》)Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2023.(216pp.) |
1125. |
Zahavi, D.: "Empathy, Alterity, Morality." In M. Englander & S. Ferrarello (eds.): Empathy and Ethics (pp. 489-500). Rowman & Littlefield, 2023. |
1124. |
Zahavi, D., Dolezal, L.: "What is "we"? Dan Zahavi in conversation with Luna Dolezal." In A. Morgan (eds.): What matters most: Conversations on the Art of Living (pp. 61-69). Agenda Publishing, 2023. |
1123. |
Overgaard, S.: “Phänomenologie und analytische Philosophie”, trans. H. Nörenberg. In Emmanuel Alloa, Thiemo Breyer & Emanuele Caminada (eds.), Handbuch Phänomenologie, pp. 129-138. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2023. |
1122. |
Stephan, C., and C. J. Throop: “Anthropological Phenomenology and the Eventive Ground.” In Horizons of Phenomenology, edited by Jeff Yoshimi, Philip Walsh, and Patrick Londen, 337–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. |
1121. |
Throop, C. J., and Stephan, C.: “Husserlian Horizons: Moods in Yap.” In Philosophy on Fieldwork: Case Studies in Anthropological Analysis, 284–301. New York, N.Y: Routledge, 2023. |
1120. |
Montes Sánchez, A. & Salice, A. (eds.): Emotional Self-Knowledge. London, New York: Routledge, 2023. |
1119. |
Montes Sánchez, A. & Salice, A. "Introduction." In Montes Sánchez, A. & Salice, A (eds.), Emotional Self-Knowledge (pp.1-13). London, New York: Routledge, 2023. |
1118. |
Salice, A. & Montes Sánchez, A.: "Envy, Racial Hatred and Self-Deception." In Montes Sánchez, A. & Salice, A (eds.), Emotional Self-Knowledge (pp. 188-208). London, New York: Routledge, 2023. |
1117. |
Montes Sánchez, A. & Salice, A.: "Self-understanding and moral self-improvement in individual shame and shame based on group identification." In Fussi, A. & Rodogno, R. (eds.), The Moral Psychology of Shame. Rowman and Littlefield, 2023. |
1116. |
Overgaard, S.: "Backlighting and Occlusion." Mind 132, 2023, 63–83. |
1115. |
Stone, O., Zahavi, D.: "Phänomenologie und Achtsamkeit." In D.E. Tarhan (eds.): Schriften zur Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls. Transnational Press: London, 2023, 77-96. |
1114. |
Overgaard, S.: “The Vertical-Horizontal Illusion”. Erkenntnis 88, 2023, 441-455. |
1113. |
Szanto, T., Montes Sánchez, A.: Imaginary Communities, Normativity and Recognition: A New Look at Social Imaginaries. Phänomenologische Forschungen, Beihefte 5, 2023, 197-218. |