Courses 2008

Autumn 2008

Johan Gersel
Objects of Experience and Conditions for Singular Thought
Thursday 13-15

Arne Grøn
Heidegger: Sein und Zeit
Monday 13-15

Arne Grøn
What is a Human Being? Kierkegaard's The Concept of Anxiety and Current Debates

Dan Zahavi, Thor Grünbaum and Joel Krueger
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Monday 12-14 & Thursday 12-14

Dan Zahavi
Alfred Schutz's Phenomenological Sociology
Wednesday 9-12

Spring 2008

Dan Zahavi, Thor Grünbaum, Dorothée Legrand and Joel Krueger
Topics in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Monday 12-14 & Thursday 13-15

Claudia Welz
Selvforståelse og dens grænser - Luther og Kierkegaard
Wednesday 13-15

Johan Eckart Hansen
The Self
Thursday 10-13